- Complementary Technology of Upland NERICA Varieties - Dr. Yoshimi SOKEI Agronomist of African Rice Initiative WARDA/ ARI/ JICA FAO Regional Workshop on Rice and Aquaculture for Productivity Increase and Market Development in East Africa Kampala, Uganda 13 – 17 April, 2009 JICA’s Activities on Rice Development in West Africa
Today’s Topics I. Results of Variety trial in 4 countries (Benin, Mali, Guinea, and The Gambia) (1) Performance of NERICAs in field level (2) Agronomical Characteristics of NERICAs II. Cultivation method (Complementary Tech.) (1) Seeding Rate (2) Seeding Method (3) Applying Fertilizer of Top dressing
My Activities (1) To clarify the agronomical characteristics of upland NERICA varieties with NARES (2) To develop cultivation method of upland NERICA varieties with NARES (3) To organize training course for NARES
Experimental Sites in W. Africa ○ Bamako ● Sikasso Banjul ○ ● Burikama ○Conakry ● Kankan ● WARDA ● ● ● ● Abidjan ○ ● Diebougou ○ Ouagadougou
Experimental sites in Benin ● Natitingou ● Bassila ● Glazoue ● Bohicon Nigeria Niger Burkina Faso Togo Ghana ● WARDA
– Mountain – Guinea
– Plain – Mali
– Hydromorphic – Gambia
Table 1. Present situation of the upland rice in Africa Share of upland rice area Yield Constraints Current Potential 44 (%) 1.0 (t/ha) 2.0 – 4.0 (t/ha) Drought, low soil fertility (N, P, Iron deficiencies, acidity, erosion,) Weeds, blast, stem borers, termites, striga, birds, nematodes (Research Day of WARDA 2006)
Characteristics of NERICA Varieties To identify Agronomical characteristics of NERICA varieties (1)Yield performance in different ecologies ・ Yield and Yield component analysis (2) Growth characteristics to develop cultivation method in different ecology ・ Leaf age and Tillering vs. time, Heading date, etc.
Material and Method (summary) Material: NERICA varieties, their parents, and Sativas Method: ・ Planting Method: Dibbling Depth: 3cm from soil surface Number: 5 seeds/hill Spacing: 20 x 20 cm (25hills/ m 2 ) ・ Fertilizing Basal: N:P:K = 30:30:30 kg/ha at 14 DAS Top dressing: N = 30 kg/ha by Urea) at Meiotic
Table 2. Yield of NERICAs in West Africa in 2007 Mali The Gambia Benin (Bohicon) F NF F NF F NF NERICA NERICA NERICA NERICA NERICA NERICA NERICA Mean WAB CG Dourado Tox Kumabani Sefa Fingo Yom Koyo INARIS IRAT
Heading Date W: WAB56-104, CG:CG 14 IS88: INARIS 88, IRAT: IRAT 136 (BENIN) DRD: Dorado precoce (Mali) SFF: Sefa Fingo, YK: Yomkoyo (The Gambia)
Leaf Age of Flag Leaf on NERICAs L.A.N1N4N6N7IS88DRDSFF 11F F F F F F F 13.3 Table 4. Distribution of final leaf age (%) on NERICAs in WARDA 2008 (Single plant/hill, N:P:K= 60:30:30kg/ha)
Present Situation of Upland Rice Cultivation Method in West Africa ・ Deficiency of the Strategy for Upland Rice Cultivation especially early maturing variety (NERICAs) ↓ Cultivation method is used as same as lowland Rice one and/or late maturing variety. Exp: Timing of the fertilizer application 1 st : Basal (before sowing) 2 nd : 3 weeks after sowing 3 rd : Panicle differentiation stage (P.I. Stage)
Variety name No. of panicles /hill No. of grains /panicles % of ripened grains 1000 grains weight (g) Mea n SDMeanSDMeanSDMeanSD NERICA NERICA NERICA NERICA NERICA NERICA WAB Mean Parts of The Yield Component under fertilizer condition in NARI, The Gambia (2005) (Single plant/hill)
Parts of the yield component in No- Fertilizer treatment in 2006 (WARDA) Variety Name No.of panicles/hill No. of grains /panicles % of ripened grains 1000 grain weight MeanSDMeanSDMeanSDMeanSD NERICA NERICA NERICA NERICA NERICA NERICA W Mean (Single plant/hill)
Concept of Complementary Tech. - Analysis of the Yield Component - 25 Hs/m2 x 8 Ps/hill x 100 Gs/panicle x 70% x 28g/1000 Gs = 3,920 kg/ha 25 Hs/m2 x 8 Ps/hill x 80 Gs/panicle x 75% x 28g/1000 Gs = 3,360 kg/ha 25 Hs/m2 x 7 Ps/hill x 100 Gs/panicle x 70% x 28g/1000 Gs = 3,430 kg/ha 25 Hs/m2 x 7 Ps/hill x 80 Gs/panicle x 75% x 28g/1000 Gs = 2,940 kg/ha
Concept of Complementary Tech. According to the Yield Component Analysis: (1) To Assure the No. of the Panicles/hill ・ No. of the sown seeds/ pocket ・ Sowing Depth (2) To increase % of ripened grains ・ Change of the Fertilizer Application Timing
Development of Cultivation Method Seeding (1) The number of seeds per hill (2) Depth from soil surface (3) Seeding Method Timing of fertilizer application
Seeding Rates Situation in the Field in West Africa
Seeding Rate Table 5. Produced grains vs. seeding Rate Variety Number No. No. % Filled Survived Estimated Ps/hill Gs/P Kernel hill(%) Gs/m 2 NERICA , , , , ,008 NERICA , , , , ,520 NERICA , , , , ,639
Seeding Depth
Seeding Method- Broadcasting-
Seeding Method – Drilling -
Seeding Method - Dibbling -
Material and Method (summary) Material: NERICA 4 and 7 Treatment: (1) 3 Seeding Methods Dibbling, Drilling, Broad casting (2) Seed rate 1: 5 kernels/hill (40kg/ ha), 2: 70kg/ha (8-9 kernels/ hill), 3: 90kg/ha (11-12 kernels/ hill) Design: Complete randomized block design with 3 rep. Method Seeding Depth: 3cm from soil surface Spacing: 20 x 20 cm in dibbling, 30cm int. in Drilling Fertilizing Basal: N:P:K = 30:30:30 kg/ha at 14 DAS Top dressing: N = 30 kg/ha by Urea at Meiotic
Seeding Method and Seed Rate Table 6. Yield in different seeding method and Rate (kg/ha) 2008 Variety Method Rate Yield 5 seeds/hill 2876 Dibbling 9 seeds/hill seeds/hill 1939 NERICA 4 39 kg/ha 2005 Drilling 70 kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha 2221 Broadcasting 70 kg/ha kg/ha 1697
Fertilizer Application Timing Present: Vegetative stage ↓ Proposal: Reproductive stage
Example of Growth of NERICA 4 ↑ ↑ É É É É É É É É É É ÉÉÉ É É 4/26 5/3 5/10 5/17 5/24 5/31 6/7 6/14 6/21 6/28 7/5 7/12 7/19 7/26 8/ The no. of Tillers Time É The No. of tillers J J J J J J J J J JJ J JJJ 7/ Leaf Age J Heading Date Meiotic stage ↑ Panicle formation stage ↑↑ ↑ Panicle differentiation stage ↑ DAS
Development NERICA 4(1) 17DAS 24DAS 31DAS 38DAS 45DAS 52DAS ← P.D.→← P.I.→
Development of NERICA 4 (2) 24DAS31DAS38DAS45DAS ← P.D.→← P.I.→
Visual Indicator of Initial of Young Panicle Differentiation and Formation Stage 3rd leaf before flag leaf 2nd leaf before flag leaf 4th leaf before flag leaf The 3rd leaf before flag leaf is much longer than 4th one. When the height of the 2nd leaf before flag leaf is as the same as the 3rd one, young panicle can be seen in many case(1~2mm length).
Visual Indicator of Meiotic stage Length between auricles (about 1 WBH) Young panicle around 1 WBH
Training 1month Training Course at WARDA funded by MAFF and JICA 2006: 5p (Guinea 1, Gambia 1, Mali 2, Benin 1) 2007: 11p (Guinea 2, Gambia 2, Mali 1, Benin 3, Burkina Faso 2, Sierra Leone 1) 2008: 8p (Guinea 2, Gambia 1, Mali 1, Benin 3, BF 1) OJT at each Country 2005: 10p (Guinea 1, Gambia 4, Mali 2, Benin 2) 2006: 13p (Guinea 2, Gambia 5, Mali 4, Benin 2) 2007: 18p (Guinea 3, Gambia 6, Mali 4, Benin 5) 2008: 18p (Guinea 3, Gambia 6, Mali 4, Benin 5)
Training Course at WARDA (1)
Training Course at WARDA (2)
OJT at each site
Thank you