Method And Strategies SECTION B 2(A) AND 2(B)
Suggested Method Excellent 2(a) -Variety of sentences -Use new words relevant to stimulus -Use idioms/similes
Suggested Method Excellent 2(b) -Careful when transferring /columns -Uppercase and lowercase -Punctuation -Spelling
Suggested Method (Weak) 2(a) 1.Drilling 2.Circle the upper case (punctuation) 3.Read the information vertically (up to down) 4.Underline the information 5.Draw lines for extra spacing 6.Double check the answers written
Suggested Method (Weak) 2(b) 1.Drilling 2.Copy it-right
Examples Price : It cost… The price is RM 5.00 It is low. I can easily foot the bill.
Free/Gift The free gift is a book. It is as useful as a cow. Fee/Ticket/Discount I can save my money.