® MTAC 143 September 11, 2014
® Agenda Release 38, Known Issues Impacting Reports Release 38, MicroStrategy Report Updates Questions 2
® Release 38, MicroStrategy Reports Known Issues - Resolved 3 ALM ID Target Release / Close Date Description PO! / Aug.26 Only data from July and August 2014 was available in the Mailer Scorecard. Daily trending, job, and drill report data was still available for 13 months. Data repair was needed in order to ensure new mailer scorecard monthly aggregate tables were populated with 13 months worth of historical data. PO! / Aug.26 The Mail Quality Detailed Error Report and drill was taking a long time to execute and sometimes it was resulting in a time out. As a result detailed error information was not always available. PO! / Aug.28 Undocumented pieces from sampling were being reported under the CRID derived from the MID in the barcode rather than under the eDoc submitter CRID from the sample. PO! / Aug.28 Monthly metrics on the Mailer Scorecard may not have included all data for the selected month. Because some data may be missing, metrics may not have been accurate until corrected. PO! / Aug.28 Mail owner CRID reference data was not being refreshed, so some CRID's that are used as a mail owner CRID were not showing up in mail owner CRID prompts. As a result, reports couldn’t be accessed for these CRIDs including the Mail Owner Scorecard and Mail Quality (Mail Owner & Preparer) reports.
® Release 38, MicroStrategy Reports Known Issues - Resolved 4 ALM ID Target Release / Close Date Description PO! / Sept.07 Undocumented scans from sampling that were logged after 8/24 were not being loaded into reporting tables and were not available in the Undocumented Summary Report and Mailer Scorecard. PO! / Sept.07 Metrics on all tabs of the Mailer Scorecard were inflated. Users were able to drill to the job reports to view the correct data at the job level. PO! / Sept.07 Mailer Scorecard Mailer Profile metrics may not have been including all data. This was resulting in missing data, negative values for # Non-Full Service Pieces, and/or total volumes by class and category not adding up to total pieces. Not fully corrected, fall out is being addressed in ALM ID PO! / Sept.07 Mailer Scorecard Mailer Profile data was being assigned to the month of the mailing date assigned by USPS rather than the mailer mailing date provided in eDoc. When the dates were not in the same month it could impact were the volume was appearing on the Mailer Profile tab. PO! / Sept. 11 (separate patch) Mailer Scorecard metrics are updated to use eDoc piece counts in the denominator rather than scan counts. % Undocumented Pieces from MPE = # Undocumented Pieces from MPE / (# Undocumented Pieces from MPE + # Pieces processed for eDoc validations) % Nesting/Sortation Seamless Errors (MPE) = # Nesting/Sortation Seamless Errors (MPE) / # Seamless Acceptance Pieces
® Release 38, MicroStrategy Reports Known Issues - Open 5 ALM Target Release / Close Date Description PO! / Sept. 11 Mail Owner Scorecard Mailer Profile metrics may not include all data. This may result in missing data, negative values for # Non-Full Service Pieces, and/or total volumes by class and category not adding up to total pieces. Fall out item from ALM ID PO! / Sept. 11 Performance - Mailer Scorecard daily refresh process running long. Daily updates to Mailer Scorecard data may be delayed due to a long running process SASP 1942Sept.11 OCI errors are not included in the daily full-service invoice amount on the Mailer Scorecard SASP 2027Sept.12 Undocumented Categorization scans are not provisioned to MSTR for Undocumented Reports due to a processing issue. Mailers will not see Undocumented Errors on Scorecard until resolved PO! / Sept.18Mixed Class Comail mailings will not be loaded into SASP for seamless processing PO! / Sept.18First-Class Mail Single Piece Lines will not be loaded into SASP for seamless processing PO! / Sept.18 Periodic failures to load detailed error information for Mailer Scorecard reports; does not impact summary counts on the Scorecard but will impact ability to drill into details; details are recovered when the job runs successfully PO! / Sept.18 Summary counts for tray presort and bundle presort errors (#/% Nesting/Sortation Piece Errors (MPE)) on all reports including the Mailer Scorecard are deflated. No more than 100 errors per job and error code are included in metrics. PO! / Sept.18 On the scorecard, eInduction reports, and Postage Assessments reports, eInduction post-Induction error data prior to September 2014 could be incorrect due to eInduction error code changes.
® Release 38, MicroStrategy Reports Known Issues - Open 6 ALM Target Release / Close Date Description PO! / Sept.18 Not all undocumented MPE piece scans will be available in MicroStrategy reports, including the Mailer Scorecard and the Undocumented Summary Report. SASP 1934Nov.9 eDoc with a postage statement mailing date 14 to 30 days into the future will not be loaded into SASP for seamless processing. There is currently a workaround to import the jobs once they become available to SASP and recast the undocumented pieces. SASP 1980Nov.9 Consolidated eDoc with a mixture of Mail.dat and Mail.XML origin jobs will not be loaded into SASP for seamless processing. SASP 1986Nov.9 Pieces receiving PARS scans could be incorrectly reported as undocumented. Impacts ~1% of Pieces receiving a PARS scan. PO! 4939R39 Zero values for new metrics on the Mailer Scorecard may display as 'N/A' rather than as '--'. PO! 5129R39 When running the Mailer Scorecard and drilling to Error Type report and selecting the "Manual Sampling" filter and then drilling to the Mail Quality Detailed Error Report, an error occurs. As a workaround, select "none" when drilling from the Mailer Scorecard to the Error Type Report, then select "Manual Sampling" from the page-by before drilling to the detailed report and no error will occur. PO! 4527R40 Missing mailings in total piece count; Impacts the Mailer Profile tab of the Mailer Scorecard – largest impact on Seamless Mail.XML mailers. PO! 4990TBD eDoc with different mailing dates on a child postage statement associated to the same master postage statement will not be loaded into SASP for seamless processing.
® Release 38, MicroStrategy Reports Mailer Scorecard, Seamless Tab 7 The Basics of the Seamless Tab The Mailer Scorecard and other mail quality reports can be accessed in MicroStrategy The Seamless Tab provides a dashboard view of the results of the Seamless Acceptance verification from eDoc, manual sampling, and census verification, over a calendar month, showing whether any verification problems exceed an allowable threshold
® Release 38, MicroStrategy Reports Mailer Scorecard, Seamless Tab 8 In August 2014, the Mailer Scorecard Seamless and Manual Sampling tabs are being combined to show all Seamless data in the Seamless tab AUGUST 2014 BEFORE NOW Report Enhancement Previously, if no data was available for a Seamless Mailer the CRID Seamless Status would display as None instead of Seamless or Parallel In the August 2014 release, the correct Seamless status will now be displayed even in the absence of data for a given month
® Release 38, MicroStrategy Reports Mailer Scorecard, Seamless Tab 9 With the August release, Move Update and Nesting/Sortation (eDoc) have moved to the Electronic Verification Tab Moved
® Release 38, MicroStrategy Reports Mailer Scorecard, Seamless Tab 10 Data obtained from mail processing equipment (MPE) scans and/or eDoc Sampling Compliance Validations, which can only be obtained by sampling The Seamless tab is broken into 2 main sections and types of metrics, depending on how the data is obtained:
® Release 38, MicroStrategy Reports Mailer Scorecard, Seamless Tab CRID Seamless Status Identifies the status of a mailer location Seamless Acceptance = Participating in Seamless; Seamless Parallel = Participating in Seamless Parallel 2. # of Seamless Acceptance Jobs Number of mailings that qualified for Seamless Acceptance 3. # of Seamless Containers Number of Containers (pallets, APCs, etc) in Seamless mailings 4. # of Seamless Handling Units Number of Handling Units (trays, flat tubs, sacks) in Seamless mailings 5. # of Seamless Pieces Number of Pieces in Seamless mailings 6. Seamless Acceptance Jobs not Auto-Finalized Number of mailings eligible for Seamless Acceptance that were not automatically finalized by the USPS on the mailer provided postage statement mailing date. These mailings had to be manually finalized by the clerk.
® Release 38, MicroStrategy Reports Mailer Scorecard, Seamless Tab # of Undocumented Pieces Undocumented pieces are pieces that, when scanned on mail processing equipment or sampling, cannot be matched to an eDoc, causing errors to appear on the Mailer Scorecard. As of August 2014, mail piece scans following a Postal Automated Redirection System (PARS) operation will now be excluded from the undocumented process The PARS system checks for address correction and prints a new barcode and ID Tag onto a piece when the existing barcode is incorrect However, the original barcode links back to the eDoc and provides proof that the piece is documented To avoid mistakenly categorizing a piece as Undocumented, the ID Tag sprayed on the piece will be used to link these scans back to the original barcode in the clear zone (and therefore the original eDoc) to ensure that the piece is documented as paid Undocumented “Book-ending” A back-end enhancement changes how Undocumented pieces are associated and assigned to mailers: Previously, this process was based solely off of the mailer MID Now, this association categorizes pieces based on surrounding piece scans (known as “bookends”) as the mail is scanned on MPE As a result, pieces can be assigned to other CRIDs and impact how Undocumented piece counts are determined for a mailer
® Release 38, MicroStrategy Reports Mailer Scorecard, Seamless Tab # Nesting/Sortation Seamless Errors (MPE) A nesting/sortation error is created when MPE scans are compared to eDoc and the MPE piece scan indicates that the piece was physically placed in a different tray in the mailing than was identified in the eDoc. The piece scan may indicate that the piece was placed in a different tray: Labeled to the same destination ZIP and prepared with the same presort, Labeled to a different destination ZIP and prepared with the same presort Labeled to the same destination ZIP and prepared with a different presort Not matching either the destination ZIP or presort
® Release 38, MicroStrategy Reports Mailer Scorecard, Seamless Tab # of Entry Facility Seamless Errors Number of containers where the entry location provided in the eDoc was not valid USPS facility (did not exist on the Mail Direction File or BMEU file from FAST) or was not correct for the container preparation per the Mail Direction File. For containers not participating in eInduction, number of containers where the first piece scan was different than the entry location identified in the eDoc. 10. # of Delivery Point (DPV) Errors With Seamless Acceptance, a verification is performed based on 11-, 9-, or 5-digit routing codes included in the Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb). A Delivery Point Error occurs when any of these types of routing codes in the IMb are invalid for the service level of the mailpiece or are not active within the allowable period of time from the postage statement mailing date. As of August 2014, Delivery Point Errors will not be logged when there is a valid match on a lower level delivery point (i.e. when an 11-digit delivery point has a 9-digit match).
® Release 38, MicroStrategy Reports Mailer Scorecard, Seamless Tab # of Containers Sampled The number of Containers sampled by an acceptance employee as part of the Seamless Acceptance process. The number of containers sampled in a calendar month is variable based on the quality of mailers over the previous 3 months and the mailing environment complexity. 12. # of Handling Units Sampled The number of Handling Units sampled by an acceptance employee as part of the Seamless Acceptance process. 3 Handling Units are sampled for each Container selected for sampling. If the mailing is prepared in bundles, the handling unit sampling is skipped. 13. # of Pieces Sampled The number of pieces sampled by an acceptance employee as part of the Seamless Acceptance process. 10 pieces are sampled for each handling unit selected for sampling.
® Release 38, MicroStrategy Reports Mailer Scorecard, Seamless Tab # of Mail Characteristic Errors This error is generated when the sample scan: Does not match information of the job associated to the matching eDoc container/HU/Piece barcode for Processing Category or Mail Class Shows mail was paid for at a Non-Profit Rate and is not eligible (Non-Profit Qualifications) 15. # of Nesting Sortation Errors (Sampling) A nesting/sortation error will be logged if any of the following conditions are met when sampling scans are compared to eDoc: Nesting of FS-IMD Container sampling scans to FS-IMD Piece sampling scans does not match nesting in the eDoc The destination ZIP code of the FS-IMD Piece Scans parent FS-IMD HU does not match the destination ZIP code of the associated eDoc piece’s parent Handling Unit 16. # of Barcode Quality Errors (Sampling) A barcode quality error is logged when the sample scan had an unreadable barcode or had no barcode on an automation piece.
® Release 38, MicroStrategy Reports Mailer Scorecard, Seamless Tab # of Postage Piece Errors This error is generated when the sample scan does not match the information submitted in the eDoc for the following fields: For a postage affixed mailpiece - less postage was applied to the mailpiece than was indicated in the eDoc, or, The postage payment method does not match the eDoc postage payment method and would result in additional postage due 19. # of Weight Piece Errors This error is generated when, in the sample scan: The sampled piece weight does not match the weight for the piece in the eDoc and the difference would cross a price level for the class and processing category (e.g. moving a First-Class letter from 1.2 oz to 3.1 oz) The sampled piece weight does not match the weight for the piece in the eDoc and the difference in weight exceeds the established threshold for pound postage. USPS is working with the industry to establish the threshold for environmental factors
® Release 38, MicroStrategy Reports Mailer Scorecard, Seamless Tab 18 Both mailers and BME employees are expected to review the Mailer Scorecard and associated detail reports to identify any anomalies or questions, especially as related to these 7 error types:
® Questions?