Recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics 27th meeting, 21-22 January 2008 Wojciech Nawrocik JINR 103 Scientific.


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Presentation transcript:

Recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics 27th meeting, January 2008 Wojciech Nawrocik JINR 103 Scientific Council, February, 2008

Vice-Director M. Itkis informed the PAC about the Resolution of the 102nd session of the JINR Scientific Council (September 2007) and about the decisions of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries (November 2007). The PAC is pleased to learn about the decision of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries to increase the JINR budget by 24% in 2008.

The PAC notes with interest the plan being considered by the JINR Directorate together with the Russian Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” concerning the establishment, with JINR’s key participation, in Dubna, of a JINR-based International Nanotechnology Centre of the Member States.

I. The PAC highly appreciated the visits to the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics and the Laboratory of Radiation Biology and the explanations given by A. Belushkin, A. Vinogradov, and E. Krasavin. The PAC acknowledges the excellent work of the FLNP Directorate for the modernization of the IBR-2 reactor and of the LRB Directorate for developing this laboratory and providing it with modern equipment.

II. Status of modernization of IBR-2 reactor The PAC was informed by A. Vinogradov about the status of the modernization of the IBR-2 reactor and is pleased to note that this work is well underway according to the schedule. The success of this activity is due to the well-elaborated management, the commitment and high responsibility of the reactor team as well as due to the comprehensive support of the modernization programme given by the FLNP and JINR directorates. The PAC endorses the plan for the remaining activities at the reactor, taking into account its previous recommendations on the priority work for construction of the complex of cryogenic moderators.

III. Recommendation on the expiring theme The PAC took note of the report, presented by A. Belushkin, on the expiring theme “Upgrade of the IBR-2 Complex” ( /2007) and is pleased to note that the planned work up to the end of 2007 under this theme has been accomplished fully and with high quality. The PAC also notes the high level of expertise of the personnel participating in the IBR-2 modernization work and strongly recommends that all necessary actions should be taken to preserve the accumulated experience and to transfer it to younger staff. The PAC thanks the JINR Directorate for the support of the activity under the theme, which has rendered possible fulfilling the approved schedule of work. The PAC recommends extension of this theme for 3 years (2008–2010) in order to implement fully the planned upgrade of the IBR-2 reactor.

IV. Activities under the theme “Neutron Investigations of the Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter”. The PAC took note of the report, presented by A. Balagurov, about the organization of scientific research and results obtained in 2007 under the theme “Neutron Investigations of the Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter”.

General balance of the work in 2007 Special feature of 2007: the first year of the IBR-2 shut-down. Printed papers: ~60 Accepted papers: ~20 Conference reports: ~100 Theses presented (4): V. Nietz, T. Tropin, A. Tamonov, A. Khokhryakov Theses prepared (7): Doctoral:Yu. Nikitenko, D. Kozlenko Ph.D.: M. Kiselev, Yu. Khajdukov, M. Zhernenkov, A. Kuklin, R. Vasin, … Phys. Rev. B (6), JETP (4), Chem. Phys. Lett. (2) Crystallography Reports (14) Eur. Phys. J., Biophysics, J. of Physics, J. Appl. Cryst., Phase Transitions, … D. Kozlenko et al., 12 papers (3 at PRB)

Experimental techniques used in CMD Neutron scattering at the IBR-2 and in other centers Diffraction: powder, single crystal, real-time, high-pressure Polarized neutron scattering: specular & non-specular reflectometry, SANS, depolarization Inelastic scattering: direct and inverted geometry Small angle scattering Additionaly: X-ray diffraction and SAS, muon spectroscopy, Raman scattering, EXAFS spectroscopy. Experiments at: RRC KI, PNPI, IFM (Russia) ILL, LLB (France) BENSC, GKSS, DESY (Germany) SINQ, SLS (Switzerland) BNC (Hungary), ISIS (UK).

V.Scientific highlights The PAC appreciates the high level of scientific activity at the FLNP Condensed Matter Department, in spite of the stop of the IBR-2 reactor operation. In 2007 important scientific results were obtained in the fields of complex magnetic oxides, magnetic fluids, multilayer superconducting films, lipid multilayers as well as in applied investigations.

Last years research topics in CMD Strongly correlated electron systems:, … complex magnetic oxides, ferroelectrics, multiferroics, … Irreversible transition phenomena in solids: hydration, swelling, isotope exchange, solid state chemical reactions, … Structural and magnetic changes under high pressure: halides, magnetic oxides, frustrated structures, … Materials research: hydrogen storage materials, superionic conductors, fuel cell electrodes, … Non-crystalline materials: liquids, polymers, dendrimers, colloidal solutions, magnetic liquids … Structure and dynamics of multicomponent systems: liquid metal solutions, metal-hydrogen systems, fullerenes, surfactants, … Surfaces, nanostructures of low dimension: multilayer films, multilayer polymers, magnetic nanostructures, … Biological materials and macro-molecules: lipid vesicles, multilayer lipid membranes, mitochondrial complexes, … Applied researches: Stresses in materials and components, texture and properties of rocks,...

VI. Current activity in instrument development at the IBR-2 reactor In 2007 the implementation of the programme of the upgrade of the spectrometer complex at the IBR-2 reactor started. In accordance with the PAC’s recommendations of April 2007, this work was carried out for the projects FSD, REMUR, DN-6 and for those with external support SKAT/EPSILON, GRAINS.

VII. Cooperation with other centers. The PAC supports the participation of the Department staff in the development of the spectrometer complex at the IR-8 reactor in the Kurchatov Institute. The collaboration between FLNP and the Kurchatov Institute is important and should be continued. In particular, the PAC invites a report on the EXAFS activity at its next session.

VIII. Analysis of the development of IBR-2 spectrometers The PAC received the comparative analysis results of the development of IBR-2 spectrometers, presented by A. Balagurov. Taking full advantage of its unique time-of- flight properties, the IBR-2 reactor, together with the broadband cold-moderator complex, demonstrates the potential competitiveness of the proposed instruments upgrade with the third-generation neutron facilities. The PAC recommends that the FLNP Directorate pay attention to the conceptual design of instruments, which must effectively utilize the advantage of combining the cold moderator and the long neutron pulse. This development is especially valuable in nanosciences.

HRFD – High Resolution Fourier Diffractometer (Beam 5) (A.M.Balagurov) Resolution: one of the best in the world Intensity: not high enough (Ω d ≈0.2 sr) ~500 KUSD 1.Neutron guide 2.Detector array 3.Correlation electronics Actual state Resolution: best among neutron diffractometers Intensity: 10 times better than now Could be

The PAC looks forward to receiving the instrument upgrade planning and technical design parameters upon which the PAC is enabled to recommend priorities. The PAC reiterates the necessity of retaining the high-level user programme service.

IX. Progress of the LRB scientific programme The PAC appreciated the report, presented by E.Krasavin, on the progress of implementation the scientific programme of the Laboratory of Radiation Biology. The PAC notes the importance of construction of a unique confocal microscope by the SOLAR company (Belarus) for LRB. This instrument may be a unique basic facility for a number of JINR Member States in the fields of molecular biology, cell biology, radiation genetics and other applications. The PAC stresses the need for creating a corresponding infrastructure around this facility with adequate funding.

X. Scientific reports The PAC heard with interest the scientific report “Cobaltites –– physical and chemical properties, field of use” presented by I.Troyanchuk. The PAC heard with interest the scientific report “Fully extended conformation of ceramide molecules is fundamental for the nanostructure of stratum corneum” presented by M. Kiselev. The PAC heard with interest the scientific report “New features in collective dynamics of intrinsic Josephson junctions” presented by Yu. Shukrinov. These reports are good examples of basic studies which can have important practical application.

Xi. Poster presentations The PAC noted with interest the poster presentations by JINR young scientists in the fields of condensed matter sciences and development of neutron scattering instrumentation. The PAC appreciates very much the increased number of high-quality scientific reports and poster presentations and recommends that these activities be continued.

XII. Next meeting of the PAC The next meeting of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physic will be held on 16–17 June Its tentative agenda will include: · Reports and recommendations on the projects and themes to be completed in 2008 · Status of the modernization of the IBR-2 reactor · Priorities of the instruments for IBR-2M · Status report for the EXAFS station · Confocal optical laser microscopy studies · Medical beams at JINR.

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