TTnet welcomes the Acceding & Candidate Countries Ronald G. Sultana TTnet
Key points The process of integrating new members Countries joining TTnet in 2004 Elements in the country frameworks VET in ACCs: a synthesis VET teachers/trainers in ACCs: a profile Objectives for TTnet in the ACCs Target groups and activities Collaboration with established TTnet
Process of integrating new members ETF survey on VET teachers and trainers of trainers Aalborg meeting (21–22 Nov 02) Danish presidency CEDEFOP Restricted Working Group Surveys among accession countries Frameworks
Surveying the ACCs standards firm links in-service VET strategy curriculum Career paths Classroom mgt Theory / practice Special needs Training in industry Profession- alisation Qualifications framework pedagogy use of ICTs APEL
Key statistics Population (millions) GDP per capita ( €) [As a % of EU-15] Unemploy- ment rate (% of labour force aged 15+) Youth unemploy- ment rate (% of labour force aged 15-24) Percentage of Upper Sec. students (ISCED 3) in VET Particip ation rates of adults aged in ET Estonia [40%] 9.1%24.5%31.8%5.2% Hungary [53%] 5.6%10.5%11.5%3.3% Lithuania [39%] 13.1%30.9%38.3%3.3% Malta [56%] 7.4%11.2%26.3%4.4% Slovakia [48%] 18.6%38.9%77.6%9.0% Slovenia [70%] 6.0%15.7%72.3%5.1%
Elements in the country frameworks Background - VET system - Teachers and trainers - Key challenges Community objectives for VET and country response Objectives for TTnet-ACCs - Activities and calendar Collaboration with TTnet-EU
VET in ACCs: a synthesis AA field marked by reform - Post-1989 market liberalisation - Globalization forces - Accession process SSeveral important initiatives - Legislative developments and measures - Social partnership model - LLL and CVT increasingly on agenda - Decentralisation and school autonomy - Linking education and enterprise - New VETcurricula – new assessment / cert - Introduction of competency-based models - Increased pedagogical training - A new qualification framework + APL - Learning from good practice in EU
VET teachers and trainers: a profile Ageing, feminised, unstable, poorly paid profession Many teachers / trainers are not formally trained Pedagogical material and resources often outdated Teacher to student ratio falling: academic drift Distinction between VET theory & practice teachers Most universities do not offer VET teacher training Training often too theoretical Traditional teaching models Use of ICTs is limited Insufficient I&CTE & training of VET teachers & trainers Theory and practice de-linked Limited opportunities for traineeships in industry Poor cross-sectoral collaboration Corps is not professionalised National standards not yet formalised Limited firm-based training - issue of SMEs Lack of LM intelligence Adult educators often part-time
Key objectives for TTnet-ACCs Dialogue Network Monitoring/ Evaluation Research Innovation Initial & In- service TT
Key objectives for TTnet-ACCs Communication & networking - A national forum (seminars, workshops…) - Link with industry - Improving image Innovation - Curricular/pedagogical - Competency-based - APL systems VET initial & continued training - Theory/practice link - Mentoring Monitoring and Evaluation - Quality assurance - Teacher training Research - Trainers in firms - EU good practice
Target groups for TTnet-ACCs VVET administrators VVET TT researchers VVET teacher educators VVET teachers and mentors LLM trainers in public & private training centres HHRD departments PPolicy makers SSocial partners
Activities envisaged by TTnet-ACCs Seminars, workshops, publications (national, transversal) Mediating linkages Web-site, data base, register Local and EU-wide networking Research and evaluation Establishing competencies & standards Identifying training needs Designing training courses Delivering training Developing tools (e.g. to measure VET teacher competencies)
Some pending questions What kind of resource input can be made by national TTnets? How can one generate funding through national TTnets? What are some of the best achievements of TTnets across Europe? What kind of bilateral / multilateral partnerships can be developed to add value to national efforts?
Collaboration with other TTnets Bilateral links Multilateral links Development of e- learning as a tool FMS TTnet collaboration Innovative pedagogic practices Validation of non- formal learning Quality assurance frameworks E.g. Malta – Ireland E.g. Lithuania – PROFF E.g. TTnet e-Learning initiative (Isfol etc.) E.g. On basis of region, theme, language, scale E.g. with TTnet-UK E.g. with TTnet-France E.g. with TTnet-Finland
TTnet - European added value Estonia Slovenia Malta Hungary Slovakia Lithuania
TTnet - European added value Estonia Slovenia Malta Hungary Slovakia Lithuania Thank you…