Network of Technology and Quality Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade EU 2020 new skills and training and trainers ISQ Margarida Segard
EU-2020 goal: smart, sustainable and inclusive growth –Growth based on knowledge and innovation –An inclusive high-employment society –Green growth: a competitive and sustainable economy Key role: VET gives contribution to both, excellence and equity in EU lifelong learning systems! “2020 starts now!” (Barroso)
EU facts & targets –Efficiency of ECVET Still in the state of experimentation, new models, more quality, new trainers skills Target: Reducing school drop-out rates below 10% ; more professional links between training and companies (trainers/teachers)
EU facts & targets –Innovation Less than 2% of EU costs is spent in innovation and research and developement activitie - Social Inclusion Target: 75% of the year-olds to be employed Educational improvements help employability and reduce poverty
Questions for VET stakeholders for a sustainable and inclusive Europe: Investments in transversal skills: social skills, green skills, innovation and entrepreneurship (8 key competences as well, but not enought) – new EU 2020 CITIZEN Sustainable partnerships in VET : corporate Social Responsability, skills recognition (RPL) mobility, EQVET More active participation in local, regional, national and EU VET programmes and policies
Fields where VET PROMOTORS MUST improve their daily practice: - Contribute more actively to the “new born 2020 citizen”: green, Innovative, responsible, autonomous –Encourage new learning FLEXIBLE methods and process including motivation for lifelong learning –Implement European tools for mobility and skills recognition: Europass, recognition of prior learning (validation of experience), EQF / NQF –Realising “the 8 key competences” and beyond : EU 2020 –Increase new skills for teachers: enterpreneur spirit, coaching, links with companies, innovation, etc
Open and oriented distance learning for disadvantage people
What is “to play ”?
The virtual environment – Learning Building (Entrance and Training room) What is “to play ”?
Formação /Training – vocational Learning /Open – time and space flexibility Distância /distance – self-study, supported on e-learning blended Orientada/Oriented – followed by e.tutores and local mediators What is “to play ”?
Direcção Regional de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo Centro Educativo Padre António de Oliveira means Destiny Changing your destiny Transforming people New trainers and training providers
Youngsters in risk of exclusion Prisioners/offenders Women + 45 years, with children, unemployed ethnical minorities Non qualified adults Long term jobless Already learned everything in life HATE SCHOOL, HATE VET, HATE TEACHERS! They Are Too old to learn Who “sings
e-Learning model framework for Disadvantage Groups based on the Training Cycle Diagnose PhaseDesign PhaseImplementation PhaseTransferability Internship Qualification Certification TRAINING (Face-to-face and at distance) Blended-Learning Awareness activities about e- Learning Design of training Courses /Materials Employability Accompany Measures Local Networks for the trainees support (Local Mediators in the tele-learning centers) Support Network for On-job Training (Manager and/or on- job Tutor - Companies) Pedagogical and Behavioural Tutoring (Trainers and / or Tutors). Instruments: - Training Management System (e-Learning Platform). Trainees Selection Selection and training of e-Trainers Identification of Local Institutions Companies Consultation Company Identification and Selection e-Trainer profile focused on the info- excluded trainee Social and academic profile of the target-group Employment Opportunities in the geographic area Knowledge Evaluation and Training Evaluation Diagnose Evaluation Technical-Pedagogical Resources Evaluation Follow-up Evaluation Evaluation Phase Empowerment of all Actors Impact Evaluation
Create local networks with stakeholders (dialogue with stakeholders) Motivate people for better life: qualification, entrepreneurship, information society, personal attitudes and style New trainers skills: coaches, e.tutors, promote inclusion and entrepreneur spirit, global sustainability, interculturality Critical factors in Methodology