New York State Alternate Assessment Candace Shyer Bureau Chief, Test Development Office of Standards, Assessment and Reporting
USDE Peer Review In response to a review of the NYS testing program by the USDE, NYSAA was restructured for 2006–07 Stakeholder groups were assembled by SED to conduct a review of the core curriculum and general education assessment blueprints for ELA, math, science, and social studies These groups determined priorities for NYSAA based on the core curriculum, assessment blueprints, and developmental applicability for students with severe cognitive disabilities NYSAA alternate grade level indicators (AGLIs) are now linked to grade level content standards The content assessed in NYSAA is clearly related to the grade level content; however it is reduced in scope and complexity Alignment study and standard setting are scheduled
What’s the same? Limited to students with severe cognitive disabilities – same definition CSE decision IEP wording re: assessment Procedural validity Measures are Independence and Accuracy
What’s the same? (cont’d) Datafolio assessment Required documentation for NYSAA datafolios remains the same Types of verifying evidence are the same however evidence must support data for last two dates documented on Data Summary Sheet Same definition for who is eligible to take NYSAA- student with severe cognitive disability
What’s Changed? 1 year later than peers Alignment to Learning Standards Alternate Performance Indicators (APIs) Open selection of APIs within content areas Evidence varies by Grade Assessed Green and Black Book, NYSAA Resource Guides and old materials Same age as peers Alignment to Grade Level Expectations Alternate Grade Level Indicators (AGLIs) Mandated selections of material within content areas Standardized evidence formula 2:3:2 NYSAA Administration Manual, NYSAA Frameworks and new materials
Key Dates June: Title I Peer Assessment Review July-October: Redesign of NYSAA November: Materials Shipped, On-line November: Training of AATN Turnkey Trainers December: Local District Training by AATN Jan 2-March 9: Administration Period April 9-May 11: Regional Scoring June 4-15: Standard Setting Summer-Fall: nySTART Reports Results
Mandated Content Areas Chronological age chart dictates content areas to assess Performance expectations vary by grade, so key ideas/ strands/ units used for assessment vary by grade Prescribed by the NYSAA Test Blueprints
Process for Grade Level Alignment State Test Blueprint priorities grade by grade Core Curriculum components reviewed for corresponding performance expectations Grade-level performance expectations were distilled to their Essences Alternate Grade Level Indicators (AGLIs) for each set of Essences reflect entry points to the main ideas of the curriculum at each grade level
Where is all this going? This is the next evolutionary step for special education Defines access to general education curriculum by grade and essences The content assessed in NYSAA is clearly related to the grade level content; however it is reduced in scope and complexity Raises academic expectations for students with severe cognitive disabilities Assures that all students count
Key Dates March 2007: Revision Workgroup Adds More Sample Tasks April-June 2007: iEnrollment for Verification of Sites to Receive Fall Training Materials August 2007: Materials Shipped, On-line September 2007: Training of AATN Turnkey Trainers September-October 2007: Local District Training by AATN
Key Dates (cont’d) October 1, 2007-February 8, 2008: Administration Period January 2008: Benchmarking February 2008: LSET Survey Available On-line March 2008: Training of SSC Turnkey Trainers June 2008: Standard Setting
References Peer Review letter, June Memo re: Ungraded, August Memo re: NYSAA, August Guide re: Accommodations and Testing, May policyguide.htm policyguide.htm Guide re: Sample IEP Guidance Document, May Alternate Assessment Web Page
Resources NYSAA Regional Lead Trainers NYSAA Training Specialists NYSED Office of Standards, Assessment and Reporting (OSAR) – Victoria Ferrara