Informal Tanker Operators Safety Forum (ITOSF) Singapore 14-15 February 2011 INTERTANKO Update Tim Wilkins Regional Manager Asia Pacific Environmental Manager INTERTANKO
INTERTANKO DATABASES VIQ CARP VIFF PSCIFF TMSA2 LTIF & TRCF Crew & Officer Retention Human Element Landscape STS TVD Terminal Satisfaction Port Information Q88 ...
TVD quick update Stats for past 12 months: # reports submitted: 3843 # berths covered: 1792 # reports with low rating: 350 Question containing low ratings: Condition Apron/Fenders/Dock 82 Accessibility/Communication 76 English Skills 67 Safety Awareness 60 Bollard condition 59 Tug Performance/Condition 44 Condition Chicksans/Hose 42 Dock Lighting 42 Pre-transfer Conference 40 Emergency Preparedness 37 Courtesy 31 Surveyor Safety Awareness 29
TMSA TMSA 2 Gap Analysis Document TMSA 2 Benchmarking database Guidance on Change management
Marine Injury Reporting Guidelines: TMSA working group Lost Time Indicating Frequency (LTIF) Total Recordable Case Frequency (TRCF) Benchmarking Based on OCIMF’s Marine Injury Reporting Guidelines: LTI = Σ (Fatalities, Permanent Total Disabilities, Permanent Partial Disabilities, Lost Workday Cases) TRCF = LTI + lost workday cases + restricted work cases LTIF (frequency) = LTI’s x (1,000,000 / Exposure Hours) TRCF (frequency) = TRC x (1,000,000/Exposure Hours) Data: Covers 12-month rolling period Input data Confidential
TMSA LTIF AND TRCF Lost Time Frequency T. Rec. Case Frequency NOTE: a company average below pool average is a better than average performance! LTIF 31 Dec 2008 LTIF pool average: 1.44 # entries below pool average: 50 (61%) out of 82 LTIF 31 Dec 2009 LTIF pool average: 1.39 # entries below pool average: 68 (65%) out of 104 TRCF 31 Dec 2008 TRCF pool average: 3.40 # entries below pool average: 53 (65%) out of 82 TRCF 31 Dec 2009 TRCF pool average: 3.23 # entries below pool average: 70 (68%) out of 104 LTIF Pool Average: 1.39 Entries below pool average: (65%) TRCF Pool Average: 3.23 Entries below pool average: (68%)
TMSA working group CREW & OFFICER RETENTION Launched March 2009 Crew and Officer Retention Rates formula is modeled upon the "Abelson adjusted turnover rate“, modified by INTERTANKO to ensure that the output is a measure of the company percentage retention rate as opposed to a turnover rate. % Retention Rate (RR) = 100 - [ ({S – (UT + BT)} / AE) x 100 ] S = Total Number of terminations from what ever cause UT = Unavoidable Terminations BT = Beneficial Terminations AE = The average number of employees working for the company (12 month rolling period). Data input Confidential
TMSA CREW & OFFICER RETENTION Crew Retention Rate (Average 93.6%) Officer Retention Rate (Average 91.3%) Entries Entries
VIQ Benchmarking Traffic Light System, incorporating either Red or Green, to indicate if the number of SIRE VIQ observations for your fleet are either above or below the number of SIRE VIQ observations for the collective of the INTERTANKO fleet. Red = above INTERTANKO fleet average Green = below INTERTANKO fleet average Fleet Average Deficiency: "Total number of deficiencies per SIRE VIQ chapter, divided by Total number of inspections“ 12 month rolling period Confidential
VIQ Benchmarking (example output data) SIRE Chapters Certification & Documentation 0.5 0.62 0.27 Crew management 0.33 0.3 0.43 Navigation 0.8 0.56 0.84 Safety Management 1.49 1.23 0.91 Pollution Prevention 0.68 0.67 0.44 Structural Condition 0.06 0.17 0.25 Cargo & Ballast System Petroleum 1.03 Cargo & Ballast System Chemical 0.71 Cargo & Ballast System Gas Mooring 0.78 0.41 Communications 0.14 0.24 0.29 Engine & Steering Compartments 1.05 0.88 General Appearance & Condition 0.51 0.36 Intertanko Fleet Petroleum Average Intertanko Fleet Chemical Average Intertanko Fleet Gas Average Petroleum Chemical Gas
Confidential Accident Reporting Platform CARP database provides a simple functionality allowing the quick & easy updating of accident data. Enable members to input their own incident data in a fully confidential basis whilst allowing INTERTANKO to use the information entered so that: Lessons can be learned and shared. Similar accidents prevented. Standardise accident data and categorisation. Standardise simple accident analysis, root cause, direct cause and corrective actions. Platform Now Available
VIFF and PSCIFF “Vetting Inspection Feedback Forms” (VIFF) meets SIRE Inspector Compliance Requirements Launched May 2010 “PSC Inspection Feedback Form” (PSCIFF) meets IMO PSCO code of conduct guidelines Launched October 2010 Both provide a means of confidential feedback to INTERTANKO which can then be shared, confidentially, with SIRE or relevant Port State MoU
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