T 1 PROFESSIONALISING OF TRAINERS IN SA INTRODUCTION QUESTIONS Why professionalise? Why professionalise? What does professional mean? What impact will it have on the industry? Does professionalism result in good ethics and conduct? Does it result in consistent and reliable delivery of products/service of good quality? Does it improve how an industry is perceived? Who will benefit from professionalising? Is Training and Development a profession?
T 2 PROFESSIONALISING OF TRAINERS IN SA WHAT DO OTHER PROFESSIONS DO Medical: SAMDC Attorneys: Law Society Pharmacists: The Pharmacy Council Teachers: SA Council for Educators Accountants: CASA
T 3 PROFESSIONALISING OF TRAINERS IN SA WHY ARE THEY PROFESSIONS Specific qualifications required to be licensed to practice All have a code of conduct by which they are governed and guided All backed by legislation All have life deciding or critical impact on their customers Poor delivery of service/negligence can result in license to practice being taken away All governed by a code of good practice/ethics/conduct All are perceived to be deliverers of consistent, reliable, good quality service/products All must practice integrity and be trusted
T 4 PROFESSIONALISING OF TRAINERS IN SA WHAT ABOUT TRAINERS? Do trainers need a certain level of knowledge and expertise to be able to train? Yes Do trainers shape the career of their learners? Most definitely Do trainers have to deliver good quality and reliable service consistently? Yes Do trainers need to be consistent, fair and trustworthy? Most definitely Is integrity import as a value for trainers? Yes
T 5 PROFESSIONALISING OF TRAINERS IN SA Should trainers be accountable for their actions? Most definitely Should trainers be governed by legislation? Yes – Why: If they are seen as the implementers of national strategies for the growth and development of our economy, our people and our industries then why should we not be accountable through legislation for our actions If all the above is required then why should trainers not be licensed to practice
T 6 PROFESSIONALISING OF TRAINERS IN SA The wealth of a country, be it money or its people, determines the success of a country. If trainers are responsible for the development of people who generate wealth then it is safe to say that trainers indirectly are responsible for the wealth of a country. This is a very bold statement, a statement that would make you sit up straight in your chairs, make break into a cold sweat or even get you to stand up and demand that trainers be treated as professional people and that the profession becomes governed by legislation Benefits of professionalising: Quality, reliability, consistency, accountability, manageable, focused, professional
T 7 PROFESSIONALISING OF TRAINERS IN SA REGISTRATIONS? Professional registrations will be done as HR Specialists in ETD/HRD consistent with the NQF levelsQUALIFICATIONS? Teaching qualification or subject matter expertise in another field, a bridging qualification coupled with the necessary experience RPL accepted if conducted by an ETQA accredited provider LEVELS OF REGISTRATION? Entry level as HR Technical Specialist ETD/HRD – certificate plus one year relevant experience and ending as Master HR Practitioner ETD/HRD plus six years relevant experience
T 8 PROFESSIONALISING OF TRAINERS IN SA WHERE TO REGISTER? SABPP WHY THE SABPP? Credible body registering HR practitioners in SA for the past 20 years Has a well respected code of conduct and ethics Regarded as the voice of professional practitioners in SA Requirements for registration minimum of a certificate plus one year experience Respected for its quality assurance through its accreditation process Has a open debating forum used to test latest trends A willing body that shares its expertise for the benefit of our country
T 9 PROFESSIONALISING OF TRAINERS IN SA COMMENTS ON THE NQF CONSULTATIVE DOCUMENT Concerned about the fact that public schools will be exempt from quality assurance other than that applied by the Dept of Education The proposed system is more complex and less accessible- 3 sets of level descriptors, 3 different sets of qualifications, 3 different QA bodies Disjointed system More costly, and more cumbersome SAQA will lose its power to coordinate and quality assure the development of the new NQF SAQA will lose the power to oversee the work of ETQAs – could lead to autocracy with the only recourse being the Minister SAQA has just started to work and produce the results reflected in its objectives. We have just overcome the resistance to change and are making progress in leaps and bounds. Why change now? Poor perception of HR – don’t know what we want