Mainstreaming Job Evaluation Job Evaluation Group In partnership May 2006
Setting the Scene Achieved so far: over 350,000 jobs matched over 24,000 jobs evaluated over 95% assimilated thousands trained as matchers, evaluators and analysts ALL ACHIEVED IN PARTNERSHIP
National Picture: Mainstreaming NHS Staff Council has overall responsibility for JE JEG (technical sub group) JEG sub groups: –profile group, monitoring group, training group CAJE –licences continue until 2010 at least
Next Steps: SHAs Responsible for: – consistency monitoring across all organisations within SHA – maintaining a register of accredited trainers – ensuring appropriate trainers available – provision of a CAJE Super User – training site administrators – promote achievement of benefits realisation
Current Challenges Commissioning a Patient Led NHS Impact of reconfiguration Capacity and loss of JE expertise? Constrained resources Ensuring robust communication and networks Managing expectations MAINTAINING PARTNERSHIP
Next Steps: Trusts identify joint JE leads embed JE awareness into management training monitoring and consistency checking of JE outcomes assess current JE practitioner and trainer capacity arrange ongoing JE and refresher training monitor accreditation of train the trainers provide accredited site administrator(s) MAINTAINING PARTNERSHIP
New and Changed Jobs New roles driven by patient and service requirements Reconsider role requirements when vacancies occur Assess scope for job redesign when service changes or develops Consider scope for cross disciplinary working Consider existing national profiles Share good practice and innovation in role redesign
Next Steps: Matching/Evaluating New Jobs identify scope for new role and develop initial job description and person specification JE panel carry out desk top exercise identify if appropriate national profile exists – if so carry out matching if not – undertake local evaluation based on information available arrive at provisional pay band re-evaluate when jobholder in post for, say, 6 months to confirm pay band
Next Steps: Changed Jobs establish policy and procedure in partnership to deal with significant changes in jobs significant: step increase in overall job responsibility or demand not about more of the same or job loading process must follow steps in JE Handbook
Summary Organisations must ensure: – JE is embedded in everyday operational processes –They have capacity for future matching and evaluation – partnership working is maintained JOB EVALUATION IS HERE TO STAY