“BuildUpSkills II, ENERGOTRAIN project goals and activities in Lithuania.” Dr. Vaidotas Šarka Lithuanian Builders Association Lithuanian Construction Technology Platform Public Organization “Digital Construction”
Full title of the project: Full title of the project: Improving competences and skills of the building workforce in Lithuania related to nearly zero energy buildings Acronym of the project: BUILD UP Skills ENERGOTRAIN (EU IEE Build up skills. Pilar II) Duration: – month Partly Financing by: Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) program ,Kaunas NORDPlus Adult project seminar
Project Partners Regional Innovation Management Center (Coordinator) Lithuanian Builders Association ( ; National Passive House Association Certification Centre of Building Products Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Training Centre for Energy Specialists Vilnius Jerusalem Labour Market Centre Vilnius Builders Training Centre Project website: 3
Project Initiation 4 BUILD UP Skills – Lithuania (Pilar I) Dates: – The report on analysis of the national status quo (Publishable Result-Oriented Report in Lithuanian and English language); Initiation of national workforce and qualification initiative platform; Developed and endorsed national building workforce and qualification initiative roadmap 2020 (Published Result- Oriented Report in Lithuanian and English language);
Continuity … BUILD Up Skills. PILAR II / ENERGOTRAIN 5
PILAR II. ENERGOTRAIN Project summary The aims of the Project - to establish a voluntary system for development and recognition of professional competencies and skills of the building workforce in Lithuania in relation to requirements for nearly zero energy buildings. Expected Project results : At least 14 technology descriptions and corresponding training programs developed; Concept of certification of workers and the financing (report) prepared; 90 trainees (workers) and 36 trainers trained according new developed Training scheme; Number of promotional activities implemented; A Guide for Customers developed and published. Quality monitoring scheme of certification scheme developed. 6
Underlying problems and issues the project aims to address from the market: –Focus on processes and regulation, instead of 2020 goals and training; –Fragmentation within VET-construction sector; –Lower price biddings resulting in lower quality; –A lack of resources for continuous training and skilled workers ; –Low demand for EE and RES; –Lack of awareness among SMEs regarding energy savings; –Big gap between theory of energy efficiency improvements and practice; –Market is not sufficiently prepared to embrace Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings No. 2010/31/EU (EPBD) –Weak experience in terms of renewable implementation in buildings; –No demonstration buildings, limited data for research, limited best practice. 7
8 Technologies Scope
9 Technologies description CONCEPT
Objectives and main steps Development of voluntary employees' competence acquirement, assessment, validation and certification system (Qualification Scheme) (minimum 3-5 levels NQS); Curriculum development and train the trainers (Training Scheme); Pilot implementation of developed Qualification and Training Schemes with assessment and certification of groups of workers in selected professional areas; Dissemination and Promotion of the newly created Qualification and Training Schemes. 10
The areas the project will be focused on: 11 Important: attraction of Young people
Project activities structure To achieve identified aims the project is structured into 6 work packages: 1.Project Management; 2.Development and piloting of new Qualification scheme; 3.Development and piloting of new Training scheme; 4.Communication and dissemination; 5.Certification monitoring and monitoring of implementation of qualifications roadmap. 6.EU Exchange activities and monitoring. 12
Benefits for sector The project will contribute to the development and maintenance of the qualifications’ platform initiated during BUILD UP Skills Lithuania project. A number of market players will be involved as third parties in the project to ensure market needs are fully reflected while developing: Qualification and Training Schemes; Descriptions of requirements and construction rules of technologies; The project will contribute to dissemination of information regarding training and certification of specialists in the area of nearly zero energy buildings. The project will raise quality of qualifications through introduction of certification scheme for workers. The project will develop and test modular training. 13
Expected impacts The project directly provides an input into new professional standards for related professions by taking into account upcoming changes in construction and energy sectors related with ; The project will develop and test modular training ; The project will measure the quality of non formal continuing education ; The project directly addresses legitimization of the “Qualifications Passport” ; The project includes pilot training of 36 trainers and 90 workers (education and practical); The project raises quality of qualification improvement through introduction of certification system for workers; The project provides recommendations for both public and private entities, to set requirements for new buildings (possibility to extend to modernization); Opportunity for free publication of information on non-formal training will be created. 14
Challenges/Opportunities Work together with wider range of stakeholders; Create a new construction sector skills development framework for a future; Foster innovation and new technology development; Meet ambitious targets; Ensure further continuity; –contribute to further work of qualifications’ platform initiated during BUILD UP Skills Lithuania The platform –continuity of implementation and overall monitoring of the roadmap (according to indicators of proposed results) 15
Contacts Regional Innovation Management Center (Coordinator) Contact: Mr. Mantas Jonauskis; Phone ; . Address: Šeimyniškių str. 1A, LT ; City: Vilnius; Country: Lithuania. Lithuanian Builders Association ( ; t t Contact: Vaidotas Šarka; Phone ; . Project website: Technology descriptions: EU Build up skills website: 16