City of Palm Coast Stormwater Utility Ordinance Revision City Council Meeting City of Palm Coast Stormwater Utility Ordinance Revision City Council Meeting July 2010
Overview Technical Analysis Stormwater Utility Service Area Reduced Service Calculation Fee Structure and Exemptions Appeals Legal Revisions Revenue Generation
Technical Analysis Technical Analysis – Delineated service area. – Redefined ERU. – Reviewed rate structure and proposed modifications. – Reviewed current exemption for unplatted property. – Proposed appeals & exemptions. – Area thresholds.
Stormwater Utility Service Area
Reduced Service Calculation City Staff – Reviewed FY 2010 budget. – Apportioned budget items based on: Benefit to overall canal system. Benefit to local conveyances (swales, ditches, etc.) – Determined that approximately 70% of budget is spent on maintaining local conveyances
FEE STRUCTURE AND EXEMPTIONS Proposed Rate CategoryProposed ERU ValuesCurrent ERU Values Single-Family Residential Property 1 ERU Vacant Single-Family Residential Property (≤ 1 acre) 0.74 ERUs0.69 ERUs Vacant Single-Family Residential Property (>1 acre and ≤ 5 acres) 0.89 ERUs per acre2.75 ERUs / acre Vacant Property (≤ 25 acres)2.96 ERUs per acre2.75 ERUs / acre Vacant Bulk Land (>25 acres)0.89 ERUs per acre2.75 ERUs/acre Nonresidential/Commercial/ Multi-family with 5+ units Sum of: 6.02 ERUs / acre impervious 2.96 ERUs/ acre pervious 12.7 ERUs per acre of impervious area Multi-family (2-4 units)0.75 ERUs per unit Exemptions Properties outside service area. Properties dedicated to stormwater conveyance Unplatted Parcels Properties dedicated to stormwater conveyance
Appeals AppealDescriptionPossible Impact A Non-City stormwater facility (no area threshold)23% credit for each property. B Properties bisected by service area (> 5 acres)Exempt area of property outside service area. C Properties that partly convey or store stormwater (>5 acres) Reduce fee by: % of property that stores or conveys stormwater. % of property in 100-year floodplain. %of the property that is a wetland. D Significant onsite retention (no area threshold)Reduce fee by site-specific estimate. E Extra onsite detention (no area threshold) 0.22% credit for every 1% reduction in peak discharge below predevelopment peak discharge. F Reduced-service (> 5 acres)70% credit on stormwater utility bill. GAdditive Mitigation CreditsDependent on available credits
Legal Revisions Legal Revisions – Refined definitions. – Incorporated Jones Edmunds recommendations. – Historical Adjustments allowed – retroactive to April 8, 2008 (application must be received within 6 months).
Revenue Generation Revenue Distribution Based on Current Rate StructureRevenue Distribution Based on Proposed Rate Structure Estimate City can bill 50,000-71,000 ERUs Revenue neutral requires $7.10-$10.00/ERU ($5.4 million budget)