Mrs. Charity Rollo Mrs. Lauri Ward Mrs. Kayla Siebert Mrs. Marie Young Introductions Mrs. Charity Rollo Mrs. Lauri Ward Mrs. Kayla Siebert Mrs. Marie Young Michael
the success of our students to be college and future ready. Why? All of these things such as the Problem of Practice, workshop model, math talk, etc. lead to one thing… the success of our students to be college and future ready.
Daily Schedule Word Work: 7:50-8:20am Reading: 8:20-9:20 am Snack: 9:20-9:30 am Recess: 9:30-10 am Math10:00-11:00 am Lunch: 11:00-11:30 am Problem Solving/Math: 11:30-12:00 pm Specials/Teacher-Conference: 12:00-12:55 pm Writing: 1:00-2:00 pm Science: 2:00-2:40 pm
Workshop Model What is it??
The Workshop Model Opening Work Time Closing The teacher begins with a mini lesson on a specific teaching point. Work Time Students are actively engaged by working independently or with a partner. Closing Students share their learning and thinking. creates an environment where students are actively engaged in reading and writing activities. They self select texts, read independently or with a buddy, meet in small groups, talk about their reading and most importantly practice “real” reading behaviors. During writer’s workshop students are creating authentic pieces of writing and conferencing with their teacher on specific areas needing instruction.
Setting Up Rituals & Routines First 20 Days for ELA First 20 Days for Math and Science Journals Anchor Charts Browsing Boxes Solo Time Stand and Command
Reading Goals Reading Goals Middle of year - DRA Level 2 or higher End of year – DRA Level 6 or higher Goal is level 8 Sight Words 100 High Frequency Words 20 Snap words
Reading Assessments Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) Administered beginning/middle/end of year Skills testing BOY, MOY and EOY Different skills will be tested at different times of the year, e.g. identifying letters and letter/sound knowledge; rhyming
Reading Groups Flexible Groups We will see students in small groups during the week Focus lessons covering phonics, fluency, and comprehension Lessons are specific to group needs Reading Homework See 2-3 groups daily, students will not receive a book each day
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday Reading Homework Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday Please read with your child at least 20 minutes each day Please have your child reread the book until they are fluently reading the book and have them retell the story to you Please continue to read aloud to your child Also, work on one list of sight words each night We want students to LOVE reading!
Math Charity
Math Stepping Stones Origo Math Follows the workshop model Focus on children gaining a deep understanding of number sense through exploration of working through a problem without focusing on the solution Use “Talk Moves” to help guide us through working a problem that shows our students there is more important things than the answer Problem Solving Block
Recognize numerals to 20 Count objects and describe quantities from 1-20 Write numerals 1-20 Rote count by ones to 100 Skip count by 2's to 20 and by 5's and 10's to 100 Identify, create and extend patterns Describe, identify, compare, and sort shapes and solids (sphere, cube, etc.) Use comparative language and describe a sequence of events and ordinal positions (first, second, third) Identify half and whole Use objects to model addition and subtraction
Science TEKS Use their five senses and simple tools (such as hand lenses and balances) to makes observations and gather information Conduct simple investigations Ask questions, gather information, and communicate finding from simple investigations Demonstrate an awareness about the natural world around them including rocks, soil and water, season and growth, as well as properties and patterns of organisms, objects, and events
Social Studies
Social Studies integrated during Language Arts New adoption this year Identify United States and Texas flags Identify similarities and differences among people Identify customs, cultures and celebrations Identify jobs in home, school and community Understand the purpose of rules Identify and understand Holidays throughout the year Identify physical characteristics of places such as landforms, bodies of water, natural resources, and weather Use terms to describe location Place events in chronological order
Graded Work Most work is in student journals therefore does not come home Some assignments we do send will either have a rubric attached or for morning work/practice work it will have a smiley face/frowny face or check +, check or check -
K.I.D. Binders (Kindergarten Important Documents) Please send K.I.D. Binders to school everyday Respect our K.I.D. binders: NO stickers, writing, food, throwing, etc. Please initial daily behavior calendar EACH day PLEASE empty out K.I.D. binder pockets EVERY day All notes/ride changes should be in binder pockets ~ Please no sticky notes All ride changes to the office before 2:00 pm Amy
Report Cards Lori
Parent Conferences Report cards and progress reports will not be given the first six weeks. Individual parent conferences will be scheduled at the beginning of October in lieu of report cards. Teachers will be sending sign up sheets at a later date. Home Access Center login information is mailed home from the District. Contact front office if you need assistance with login information. Please update your email address and phone number. Progress reports are sent on the 3rd week of the six weeks. (paper copy) Report cards are emailed after the 6th week of the six weeks.
Behavior System Purple/Blue/Green/Yellow/Orange/Red Yellow, Orange or Red lights count against Eagles in Flight ** 1st six wks. 6 Orange/Red ** 2nd six wks. 5 Orange/Red ** 3rd – 6th six wks. 4 Yellow/Orange/Red Daily behavior is recorded on the behavior calendar in your child’s daily folder Please initial every day Missing all of eagles in flight is at the teacher’s discretion Students can earn half and parents are notified Lori
Reading Challenge Lori
Reading Challenge Purpose: To encourage student’s love of reading More Info to come soon!
Field Trips Lori
Field Trip Guidelines 1 or 2 Field trips Students must arrive at school on time the day of the trip with a sack lunch (no lunch boxes) and comfortable shoes (no sandals). Students are expected to be on their very best behavior. They will follow directions given by any teacher, parent, guide or presenter. Parents are encouraged to join us on field trips. NO SIBLINGS please. Parents/chaperones attending field trips MUST complete a background check. Parents are required to provide their own transportation and students MUST ride the bus with the class. Teachers may remove field trip privileges from any student in a case of severe behavior in the classroom and/or on a field trip. We represent Haslet when we are away from the school and we ask that you and your child agree to abide by these guidelines:
Additional Things to Remember Visitors Please sign in through the front office. Please remember that all volunteers must complete the NISD background check. You are welcome to have lunch with your child! P.E./Art/Music Students go to PE daily and need to wear proper shoes and comfortable clothes. (NO flip flops) They also attend Music and Art. PLEASE SEND AN EXTRA SET OF CLOTHING TO KEEP IN YOUR CHILD’S BACKPACK/LOCKER
Specials (Art, Music, & PE) In grades K-2: Slips are given to students to be signed by parents and returned the next day. In grades 3-5: Students sign their name and write down what they did in a discipline log in class. Parents receive an email with a brief explanation of what happened. A few warnings are given before sending your child home with a slip asking them to sign the log. Conduct grade on the report card: In P.E. (in a six weeks) 3 slips/emails= N 4 slips/emails= U In ART and MUSIC (in a six weeks) 2 slips/emails= N 3 slips/emails= U You might notice that for P.E. the conduct grade does not go down to an N until 3 slips/emails are given. This is because your child attends P.E. twice as much as art and music.
Upcoming Events 9/22 WatchDOG Pizza Night 6-7 pm 10/5-10/9 Fall Book Fair 10/9-Early Release at 12:15 pm 10/12-Student Holiday 10/27 PTA Meeting @ 6 pm 10/21 Cookie Dough Delivery 11/7 Fall Carnival 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Charity
Going Green Background check on both Haslet/District web pages Kindergarten Newsletter available on teacher and grade level web page PTA Newsletter available on Haslet Home Page District news available on-line on the District web page. If your address, email, phone number, etc. has changed please update in system! The first one we printed out. It is at the back of the K.I.D. binder. In the future it will be available on the web site.
Snacks Please provide a healthy snack everyday for your child. Snacks should be healthy snacks that follow the FMNV guidelines: vanilla wafers, graham crackers, goldfish, pretzels, cheese & crackers, fruit snacks, etc. If your child forgets their snack we will have snacks available for them. We do ask occasionally for snacks throughout the year for students who forget theirs. FMNV guidelines can be found on the district web site if you are interested.
Birthdays We celebrate birthdays at 2:15 pm. If you would like to bring a treat for the class we prefer cupcakes or cookies (easier cleanup and pass out) and items should be store bought. We do have some allergies. Please let the teacher know if you will be bringing a treat and which day so we can plan accordingly.
We Love Your Help Readers in the classroom Watch D.O.G.S. Come and eat lunch with your child Volunteer in the classroom Field Trips Helpers at home (cutting, making items, etc.) Volunteer background check Haslet Homepage Sign up sheet at back of the room
Thanks for all you do to help your child be successful at school!