New technology in evaluation of process learning Aleksandra Mykowska Dom Szkoleń i Doradztwa
PretestsLearningPosttestsComparison Proces of evaluation
Reaction Learning Behaviour and attitude Results Methodology of Kirkpatrick for evaluation
Evaluation process is not easy it requires a lot of work: 1. preparation methodology2. preparation questionnaires3. distribution of questionnaires4. gathering and aggregating the data5. statistical analysis and conclusions
Evaluation process is not easy for trainers and teachers Consequences: A lot of institution and VET Trainers have no time, resources to make this full process. They usually do very simple evaluation witch require a little work to do. If it’s a little and not complete data. It’s hard to improve to process of learning or give proper support to the learners to enhance process of learning.
Evaluation process is not easy for respondent There’s is a lot of different researches do a lot of people are tired about taking part in researches. They don’t want to spend time and their attention. Consequences: People very often do not care when they fulfil the questionnaire. Specially it’s not easy to collect the data after training – witch are the most valuable
„An innovative, extended Kirkpatrick`s Peer Learning Evaluation Method, for evaluation of trainers and Quality VET professional programs” What is IQVET
How we can use mobile devices in evaluation?
Consequences in using mobile devices for evaluation PELE will help in 3 steps in evaluation process: 1. preparation methodology,2. preparation questionnaires,3. distribution of questionnaires 4. gathering and aggregating the results of polls 5. statistical analysis and conclusions
More easy process for trainers and students. Thanks to this evaluation data will be more reliable and adequate including the after training data and not only knowledge. Better methods for evaluation will help to rise the effectiveness of the learning. Consequences in using PELE for evaluation
More information: Contact: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein.
CONTACT: Aleksandra Mykowska: Thank you for your attention.