Year R Curriculum Information Evening 23 rd September 2015 Communication, Language and Literacy
Meet the team
Welcome to our school! General school matters EYFS 2013 How we teach CLL Support at home Our five Behaviour for Learning Animals Visit our classroom
General bits and pieces 8:40am come through the gate No equipment before school please Hair tied back Water bottles every day Please order milk Named clothing (including PE kits) PE bags rather than back packs Only one key ring on bookbag please
Areas of Learning in EYFS Prime Areas. Personal, Social and Emotional Development. Physical Development Communication and Language Specific Areas. Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design
Communication, Language & Literacy How it’s taught: Speaking and listening Phonics – Primary National Strategy programme –Letters and Sounds Jolly Phonics Oxford Reading Tree Library Books Daily Book Club and Guided Reading Penpals writing in Year R
Support at Home Recommended 10 minutes reading/sharing books together – library books (Friday-Friday) or reading scheme books (Monday-Monday 4 per week – no need to read them all) Reading to your child/ bedtime stories Jolly Phonics activities High frequency words and key words from the Oxford reading Tree
Homework folder Sound book Letters to make words/ or use a set of magnetic letters Phonics activities Occasional general activities Maths challenge cards ( more in coffee morning 5th October)
Our 5 Behaviour for Learning Animals Responsible Dog Ready Rabbit Resilient tortoise Resourceful Squirrel Reflective Owl
Thank you very much for coming! Do feel free to have a chat with us and visit the classroom