Citizen Lake Monitoring History & Vision Jeff Bode, Jennifer Filbert & Jim Vennie Lakes & Wetlands - DNR
Self-Help Citizen Lake Monitors
1,103 Lakes Monitored 1986 through 2004
Number of Volunteer Monitors 1,354 Active (Secchi & AIS) - 2,391 Trained
1103 Lakes Monitored ( )
589 Lakes Monitored Chemistry/Clarity (2004) 34/ 11,821 55/ 1, / / / / 286
MonitoringCitizens Secchi Clarity 1,109 Chemistry 479 Dissolve oxygen 307 Loosestrife 90 Milfoil 270 Zebra Mussel 58 Plants 64 Curlyleaf Pondweed 26 Citizen Lake Monitoring April 2004
Lake Reports
Regional Lake Report
Trends in Lake Clarity # of Lakes Improving / # of Lakes with Trends Lake Trends = 466 Stable = 308 Improving = 91 Declining = 67 Unknown = 372 Total Lakes = 838 2/19 11/63 30/185 23/110 25/89 Statewide
Wisconsin Lake Clarity - Trophic State From Space Assisted by hundreds of volunteers, University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers assess water quality of Wisconsin's lakes from space ( ).
8,000 Lakes From Space
Citizen Lake Monitoring Vision & Expectations Enhance IT, QA/QC Support Systems Increase the Number of Lakes Monitored Increase the Number of Citizen Monitors Increase Monitoring Opportunities Continuous Long-Term Lake Monitoring Research & Develop New Approaches Increase Use & Influence of Lake Data Connect & Engage Citizen Lake Monitors No One Gets Hurt
Engage & Network with Others o Protocols o Database o Reports o $ Contracts o Tech Support o Education – Lake Tides o Training o Coordination o Learning Centers o Trainer Network o Link Citizens o Connect o Advocacy o Appreciation o Recognition
Laura Herman UW-Extension Citizen Lake Monitoring Educator
Expectations for Trainers Pilot & Critique Train the Trainers Train New Volunteers Refresher Training Advise on Direction & Pace
Status (S) & Vision (V) SWI Relies on Citizen Lake Monitoring Data S2,248 Citizens Limnologists - 1,210 Active S1,125 Lakes Monitored & 8,000 Assessed SInformation is Valued Locally & Statewide VEnhance IT & QA Management Systems VControl Costs & Administrative Overhead VEngage & Network with Others VExpand & Recognize Network