Postwar America
Cold War at Home McCarthyism House Un-American Activities Committee Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Civil Defense
Harry Truman and the Fair Deal National Health Insurance Loyalty Taft-Hartley Conservative Coalition Dixiecrats
Eisenhower as President K 1 C 2 Creeping Socialism Sputnik National Defense Education Act
Camelot in the White House New Frontier Peace Corps Dallas Lee Harvey Oswald
Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society Liberalization of government “Discovery” of Poverty Medicare, Medicaid VISTA Urban Renewal Head Start Legal Aid NEH, NEA,
Baby Boom/Booming Economy Pent-up Demand Military spending Consumption Birthrate Suburbs
Civil Rights Movement Plessey vs. Ferguson, 1896 Accomodationism Booker T. Washington NAACP W. E. B. DuBois A. Philip Randolph Fair Employment Practices Commission To Secure These Rights Brown vs Topeka Board of Education Little Rock SCLC SNCC Freedom Rides 1964 Civil Rights Act 1965 Voting Rights Act