NACLIM CT 2 Monitoring of North Atlantic parameters New Lead: Johannes Karstensen (GEOMAR) and Karin M. H. Larsen (HAV) WP 2.1 Exchanges across the Greenland-Scotland Ridge Lead: Karin M. H. Larsen (HAV) WP 2.2 Transports in the subpolar North Atlantic Lead: Johannes Karstensen (GEOMAR) WP 2.3 Joint model – observational data comparison Lead: Detlef Quadfasel (UHAM) & Bert Rudels (FMI)
We discussed: Deliverable & Milestones status – OK! Short Presentations: – for information on activities – To identify collaborative efforts Data and Data QC CT2 Meeting – end of 2014 to precise the collaboration more
Deliverables & Milestones WP2.1 num titlemonth D21.12Description of a monitoring system on the shallow East Greenland shelf NIOZ, Report 12 D21.21, D21.34, D21.57 Daily time series data of mass, heat and freshwater transports across the Greenland-Scotland-Ridge-1,2,3 UIB, others 18, 30, 44 D21.31Report on system performance: a monitoring system on the shallow East Greenland shelf NIOZ, Report 30 D21.53Assessment of the freshwater transport in the East Greenland Current at the Kogur array, NIOZ, Report 44 MS3Monitoring system on the shallow East Greenland shelf established UNIRES 12 MS6Start of gliders programme in eastern boundary current UNIRES 18
Deliverables & Milestones WP2.2 num titlemonth D22.6Pre-NACLIM time series data provided to NACLIM data portal for CMIP model data comparison GEOMAR other 6 D 22.8Report on the technical characteristic of the observing system operated in NACLIM south of the sills GEOMAR report 18 D22.14 D D ,2, 3 batch-Newly acquired & updated time series provided to data portal for CMIP model data comparison NIOZ other 12, 24, 36 D22.31Report on the upper & lower transport variability at NACLIM key sections in the Subpolar gyre of NA SAMS Report 30 D22.55Data sets converted in a format compliant with CMOR2 output and published GEOMAR other 44 MS4Time series for Labrador/Irminger seas accessible for CMIP5 validation GEOMAR 24 MS5Optimized moorings in deep convection regions deployed GEOMAR24
Deliverables & Milestones WP2.3 num titlemonth D23.15 Definition of Matrix containing key ocean quantities & ass. errors for direct model-obs. Comparison FMI other 12 D23.16 Data sets containing time series of relevant ocean quantities from the pre-NACLIM period UHAM other 12 D23.17, D23.30, D st, 2nd, 3rd Batch-Updates of data sets containing time series of relevant key ocean quantities UHAM other 17, 24, 36 D23.47 Estimate of heat & freshwater budget for Arctic Mediterranean & NA in rel. to main physic processes FMI Report 36 No Milestones
Data & Data quality control flags In relation to NACLIM external Reviewer comment For collaboration with other CTs: – Format of data? CF compatible? ASCII? “data products” and customized different flags
Time series at NACLIM website Fluxes Faroe Bank Channel overflow transport Updated 25 March 2014 Hornbanki section Atlantic inflow volume and heat fluxes Labrador Sea western boundary current transport at 53° N RAPID — transport of MOC components at 26.5° N Wyville Thomson Ridge overflow transport Updated 14 March 2014 Faroe Shetland Channel volume, heat and salt fluxes of Atlantic Water, and total fluxes Updated 30 March 2014 Denmark Strait overflow transport Iceland-Faroes Atlantic inflow Updated 25 March 2014 Kogur Array freshwater flux New! 11 April 2014 Mooring data Angmagssalik array Irminger Sea mooring Long-term Ocean Climate Observations LOCO2 Irminger Sea mooring Long-term Ocean Climate Observations LOCO3 (upcoming) Hydrography Hornbanki section hydrography Irminger Sea hydrography Nordic Seas hydrography Denmark Strait hydrography Central Labrador Sea temperature time series Properties of the Atlantic Water Core in the Faroe Current Updated 25 March 2014 Entrainment Denmark Strait overflow plume
Data & Data quality control flags: data products Example: moored current meter time series Proposed QC Flag: number of moorings used to determine transport time series (1, 2, 3…) In addition: flag for “interpolated data” maybe with explanation or reference on how the interpolation was done?
OSNAP / NACLIM Collaboration & Dissemination Meeting Dec in Boston – coordination of mooring activities (location, cruises) in Irminger Sea: LOCO (NIOZ), CIS (GEOMAR) with OOI node Teleconferences & Meeting at OCEAN Science Feb – Presentation of NACLIM (Gerard), Cruise coordination, array optimization NACLIM member/steering Committee of OSNAP Best practice in transatlantic collaboration (Workshop) Oct – OSNAP/NACLIM/RAPID + national (VITALS; 53°N array) Need to collect information about and pay attention to “shared events”
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP ), under grant agreement n NACLIM