Navigating myth ‘Year of the Dragon’ A Mural Brief
Mural: ‘ Navigating Myth’ Title Page: Make a title page in books Flow Chart – plotting process used in doing unit of work Planning Chart with key used from Flow Chart – Planning for duration of unit, how long to spend on each process
Research: - Myth in all cultures: Mäori, Pacific and Asian, Celtic. Class brainstorm/dump sheet. Research imagery to support brainstorm, class collaboration in computer-room HW find resources for above
Analysis: of Artists from OTHC trust collectionwho do narrative/installation works: use task sheets Artist models: Richard Killeen, John Pule art works: Composition, Colour, key ideas, patterns used and how used, marks, tone, texture
Concepts: - group brainstorm of mural ideas, assign a page to small groups, reference ideas from Artist research - Make 4 composition ideas on an A3 page. Explore use of line to create textures and patterns as seen in artist’s works studied
Developments: (On Card to Scale) - Discuss, improve best ideas, make colour plan using 3-4 colours. ( for learning about colour, using paint and tone) Create 3 colour wheels to, primary, secondary tertiary colour. This will help students mix paint and apply with discernment
Finals - Transfer image to Ply. Paint with white. Work over line work in ink. Allow to dry then work over in colour tone, media
Art Process
Self - Management
Research: Chinese ‘Year of the Dragon’ begins on January 23, 2012 and ends on February 9, 2013 The year of the Dragon is the year for great deeds, innovative ideas and big projects.
Our project is a mural installation which is based on 2012 – Year of the Dragon, Myth (or imaginative story), Shape & Colour
A dragon is a mythological beast usually with lizard-like traits, that feature in the myths of many cultures. There are two different cultural traditions of dragons: the European dragons, which come from folk traditions and are related to Greek and Middle Eastern mythologies, and the Chinese dragon, which is similar to dragons from Japan, Korea and other East Asian countries.
Dragons are found everywhere in everyday life: in poetry, legends and folklore, or in the Chinese Zodiac... Chinese think it is considered a great honour to be born in the Year of the Dragon.
Distinctive features of Chinese Dragons the body of a serpent the claws of an eagle the legs of a tiger the whiskers of a catfish the antlers of a deer the scales of a fish
Often we find dragons together with the Chinese Phoenix. The Phoenix is also a creature from Chinese mythology and symbolizes good luck, peace, kindness and glory.
European dragons symbolizing protection of Holy Grail
Dragon- like gargoyles were used in European culture to protect buildings
Dragons are from the imagination and are probably based on Lizards
The Manaia is the Maori version of a dragon acting as a ‘protector’ figure and is also mythological
Our own Marae has wonderful Manaia figures on its poupou
This one represents education and learning
This one has scales on its body like a fish or lizard and the tail of a fish
This one looks as if it has eyes for feet. These are all creatures from someone's imagination
A manaia carved into a circular piece of wood
A manaia caved out of jade
NZ born Samoan Artist, Michel Tuffrey uses lizards in his work combining it with symbols of his culture
Designers often stylise real creatures to make them look fantastical ’
Artist Study Richard Killeen : Installation Richard Killeen is an artist who uses a range of different shapes which he combines together to form ‘modular installation’ works. He likes to research and puts his collections together in creative combinations He also like to work inside shapes
Student example
A multi media dragon
The end