SUPPORTING MICRO MARKET DEVELOPMENT EAST MIDLANDS PROJECT Sue Batty Department of Health East Midlands Social Care Programme Manager
Why? Market development & ASC transformation TASC milestone Priority area for C&MD Board No. micro providers reducing Difficult area to develop Learning & methods transferable
Outcome: to increase the number and diversity of sustainable micro providers in localities across the East Midland
Other benefits: For individuals; choice, co-production, flexibility PSA 16 targets Economic regeneration Evaluation of cost/benefits of micro provision Kite mark for micro providers Develop social capital
Who? 7 East Midland Local Authorities Derby City & Derbyshire County Council Leicester City & Leicestershire County Council Lincolnshire County Council Nottingham City & Nottinghamshire County Council
How? Each LA will have support from Community Catalysts to: Assess baseline Set targets for increasing micro providers Develop outline strategy Steering group Implement strategy – March 2011 FT Micro Market Programme Co-ordinator
How? Micro Market Programme Co-ordinator role: Identify existing/emerging micro providers Work with organisations that can offer support Sign post Personalisation & fair price Link to what do people with PBs want to buy? Link to other work e.g. e-markets, PSA 16
Interested? For further information about what is happening in your local area please leave your details for passing on. Watch out in ONE EM bulletin for up- dates!