Ltd. Brokerage Agency ROOT
About Brokerage agency ROOT Agency founded in year. Paid-in capital LVL Agency has 15 employees. Managerial staff working experience in the insurance field for more than 10 years. Related company - "ROOT Motors Ltd., the only Latvian repair the vehicle immediately following an insurable event without waiting for the necessary agreements. ROOT is a leader in the brokerage agency in the middle of construction surety insurance.
About Brokerage agency ROOT Particular, has rapidly evolved in the health insurance portfolio and experience in this area Improving and extending co-operation with local governments Participate in the creation of tender dossier
ROOT development ( )
ROOT target To become a leading agency brokerage Latvian. Develop its activities in other countries - the Baltic States, Ukraine, Russia, Europe.
Latvian Insurance Market
Market development
LATVIAN brokerage firm in market shares, 2010
ROOT is a leader in brokering agencies in the middle of a financial guarantee insurance * There are more than 100 brockerage companies in Latvia Leader in its niche!
Innovators on the market ROOT offers a unique service in the Latvian insurance market - the only Latvian repair the vehicle immediately following an insurable event, before the necessary agreements. ROOT has set up a telemarketing department ROOT introduced a new service - a systematic and planned deployment of the total portfolio.
Baltic insurance market Learn from neighbors
Baltic insurance market
Market development in the Baltic States
Market outlook
Brokerage market outlook
BROKERAGE MARKET GROWTH 8-10 years, the total written premiums will reach 700 million Latvian lats (EUR 1.0 billion) It will: OCTA prices rise Must increase the total liability limit in the EU until year to 1.5 million. EUR. Currently, this amounts to EUR. Increased demand for insurance services. The old EU member states citizens insurance spends 5 times more (life is insured risks, savings, etc.)..
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