Quickwrite Think about Imperialism as you know it so far- motives, imperialized natives, reading etc. What would it be like to be a European Imperializer- explorer, missionary, administrator, military personnel?
Imperial Motives Debrief Find Someone you did not work with on Monday or Tuesday and compare your answers on the “Analyzing Imperial Motives” handout. If you disagree on a Motive, go to the explanation and explain each of your points of view. Adjust your responses accordingly.
Imperialism in Africa and India (A Comparison) Please pass forward your Imperial Motives graphic organizer and turn to your notes on Imperialism- Notes Today, Quiz tomorrow.
Before Imperialism Africa India India is rich in land and tradition. North- Fertile land and close ties with Muslim world West- Grasslands and forests also Muslim ties East- Trade was major industry, especially in slaves, but also copper, ivory and cloth. South- Fertile land and warfare Slave trade among and between African Tribes and Muslims as well as Europeans. India is rich in land and tradition. Mughal Empire- Sikh religion East India Company (English) gain trading rights on the fringe of the empire. Many Indians of many beliefs and languages (some Muslim influence).
Early Contact with Europeans Africa India Exploration- English map the Nile and other regions of Africa Missionaries- Catholic and Protestant follow explorers. Build schools/work to end slavery, but also devalue native culture. Economics- Trade along coastal regions As Mughal Empire weakens English use Indian diversity to divide people. British improve roads, introduce education, and preserve peace. Missionaries try to Christianize and end slavery. Also try to end Sati
European Colonialism Africa India Belgium, British, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish all colonize in Africa. Direct Rule- ruled by officials of the gov. Protectorates- local rulers expected to follow European rules Spheres of Influence- trading advantage, but no direct influence in local gov. British East India Company: make money! Sepoy (Indian soldiers) held traditional Hindu beliefs. Mistakes led to rebellion. Viceroy- Direct Rule was set up in India. English see India for natural resources and markets. English force English goods and supply and demand on Indians resulting in poverty and starvation.
Resistance to Imperial Influence Africa India Africans resisted European Imperialism on many fronts. Ethiopia remains independent of colonial rule by modernizing its military and seeking western education. African upper class emerges- educated in the west many forge new nationalism in African nations. Some Indians support English ways, others oppose. Class of Western Educated Indians emerge to resist English control. (Indian National Congress)
Homework (due tomorrow) Draw a Venn Diagram comparing Imperialism in Africa to Imperialism in India- 5 in each