Lesson Plans Week 27 M. Unser English Grade 7 March 17-21, 2014
Wednesday Warm-Up Use the dictionary or your device (dictionary.com) to define the following words from Wonder: Et Cetera Bungalow Prude
Tuesday, March 18 Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call Listen to “Miranda’s Song”: Andain, “Beautiful Things” Make Wonder website connections to text from Miranda’s section Read and discuss pages of Wonder
Wednesday Warm-Up Answer the following questions from Wonder in a complete sentence that restates the question: Why do you think Miranda pretends to be sick on the opening night of the play? What does Via do that shows she is grateful to Miranda?
Wednesday, March 19 Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call Point of View Mini-Lesson (Smartboard) Complete Graphic Organizer to compare/contrast Olivia and Miranda’s point of view and sequence of events from Wonder American Idioms Work on Independent Study Options
Thursday Warm-Up Use the dictionary or your device (dictionary.com) to define the following words from Wonder: Spritz Intense concession
Thursday, March 20 Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call Listen to Auggie’s last song: “Beautiful Child” by Eurythmics Website connections to part 8 of Wonder text Read and discuss pages of Wonder Visit the library to check out, renew, and return books
Friday Warm-Up Use the dictionary or your device (dictionary.com) to define the following words from Wonder: Seismic Attribution cusp
Friday, March 21 Warm-Up/ Housekeeping/ Roll Call Read and discuss pages of Wonder Venn Diagram “August and Jack” Work on Independent Study Options
spritz: verb (used with object)1.to spray briefly and quickly; squirt: He spritzed a little soda in his drink. noun2. a quick, brief spray of liquid; squirt. Origin: 1915– 20, Americanism; < German spritzen to s quirt, spray