Ideas and Activities to Differentiate Instruction through Comprehensible Input
Content Targets: I will explore techniques for presenting content information in ways that students comprehend. I will review various ways to model and provide directions for academic tasks. Language Targets: I will discuss modifications to teacher speech that can increase student comprehension. I will write different methods for making textbooks more accessible for my students My targets for today…
Main Points Language is most readily acquired when: Lessons are interesting and relevant Instruction follows natural language patterns Input is provided in sufficient quantity There is appropriate monitoring of errors, since overcorrection increases student anxiety The message is clear so that the learner can understand
Speech Appropriate for Students’ Proficiency Levels SIOP10
Language Levels It is very important that teachers determine the English language acquisitions levels of their students. Once this is ascertained, teachers can make content comprehensible based on the language needs of each student. SIOP 10
Cognitive Ability Students at lower levels of English proficiency are not necessarily functioning at lower levels of cognitive ability. Frequently these students are able to use higher- level thinking skills in their primary language but have a more difficult time understanding the academic content and expressing their knowledge in English. SIOP 10
Clear Explanation of Academic Tasks SIOP11
Written Instructions It is critical that students know what is expected and that step-by-step instructions are written for students to see and use. Many students disengage or misbehave because they are not certain of what they are expected to do. Many students have difficulty understanding and remembering multiple step instructions, especially when the instructions are only provided orally. SIOP 11
Clear Explanation In focus group research, middle school students reported that teachers talked too fast and they couldn’t understand the directions. Lack of clear explanation – due to teachers’ impatience, speaking too fast, or poor instructions – was consistently cited as a problem by English Language Learners. SIOP 11
A Variety of Techniques Used to make Content Concepts Clear SIOP 12
Gestures and Body Language Use gestures, body language, pictures, and objects to accompany speech. SIOP 12
Modeling Provide a model of a process, task, or assignment. SIOP 12
Preview Material Preview material for optimal learning. When students attention is focused on the specific information they will be responsible for learning in the lesson, the students are able to prepare themselves for the information that is coming, making it more comprehensible to them. SIOP 12
Alternative Assessments Allow alternative forms for expressing their understanding of information and concepts. Students have often learned the lesson’s information but have difficulty expressing their understanding. SIOP 12
Technology Use multimedia and other technology in the lessons. SIOP 12
Repeated Exposure to Words Provide repeated exposure to words, concepts and skills SIOP 12
Sentence Strips Use sentence strips – good for all grade levels and all subjects. SIOP 12
Graphic Organizers Use graphic organizers effectively. SIOP 12
Audio Audio both in English and in the first language if it is available. SIOP 12
Your Ticket Out What can you do today to make input more comprehensible for all of your students. Give me two things for today and two things for tomorrow. SIOP 12