International tourism and the world market of tourism services Dubenyuk-Panagiotopoulou Yaroslava PhD in Economic Sciences (World Economy and International Economic Relations) Associate Professor of the International Economy Chair Mariupol State University (Ukraine)
International tourism 250 mln employed 4.5% world investment 11% world consumers’ expenses 5% tax revenues 25% world service trade
Approaches to the definition of the international tourism’s nature INTERNATIONAL TOURISM UN WTO Infrastructural Legal Statistical
International tourism is a form of international economic relations that reflects the relations between the countries, arising during the production, realization, distribution and consumption of tourism services and related goods.
Peculiarities of international tourism as a kind of economic activity: Tourism is based on the people’s exchanges; Immobility of tourism services; Absence of the material form; Tourism services are lost in time; Possibility to change the quality of some services in the tour; Time lag between the fact of payment for tourist product and the fact of its consumption; Quality’s dependence on the immediate executives; Informational saturation; Seasonal fluctuation of the tourist demand; Territorial dissociation of consumer and producer.
Functions of international tourism RecreationalHolisticPoliticalEcologicalEconomical
Economical subfunctions of international tourism Subfunctions Productive Employment promotion Direct effect Indirect effect Income creation Smoothing Leveling of the balance of payment Investment promotion Commercial Distributional
Tourism employment in some countries CountryDirect effect, % from general employment rateGeneral effect, % from general employment Maldives islands25,954,2 Cayman islands18,147,3 Malta15,626,3 Cyprus11,722,1 Jordan10,020,9 Mauritanian islands10,021,9 Belize8,922,0 Spain8,320,9 New Zealand6,213,3 USA5,612,6 Gambia5,512,4 Cuba5,112,1 United Kingdom4,914,8 Australia4,714,5 France4,311,7 Turkey3,98,9 Sri-Lanka3,17,4 India2,75,6 Indonesia2,37,4 China2,07,0
World and the EU’s job market in 2012
Economical subfunctions of international tourism Subfunctions Productive Employment promotion Direct effect Indirect effect Income creation Smoothing Leveling of the balance of payment Investment promotion Commercial Distributional
Interconnection of the tourism categories Inbound tourism Domestic tourism Outbound tourism TOURISM WITHIN THE COUNTRY NATIONAL TOURISM INTERNATIONAL TOURISM
Mechanism of tourism market functioning N O N- O R G A N I Z E D TOURAGENT Transport companies TOURISTTOUROPERATOR Hotels, motels etc. Catering companies Insurance companies Banks Embassies, Consulates Foreign partners Governmental bodies
Tourism services markets International (world) National Regional Local
Classification of the world market of tourism services World market of tourism services Level of the economic development The role f the country on the world tourism market Regional affiliation Tourism market of developed countries Tourism market of developing countries Market of low-developing countries Market of advanced economies Market of CIS’s countries (transitive economies) Tourism market of host countries Tourism market of countries generating the tourists flows European tourism market American tourism market Tourism market of East Asia and Pacific countries Tourism market of Middle East countries Tourism market of Southern Asia countries Africa tourism market
International tourists’ arrivals and revenues from international tourism, YearTourists’ arrivals, mln.Growth rate, % to the previous period Revenues from tourism, bln. dol. Growth rate, % to the previous period ,07250, ,818157, , , , , ,547679, ,3463-2, ,84742, ,752510, ,462218, ,66809, ,57337, ,657451, ,894410, , , ,79197, , , ,910753, ,1--
Changes of the tourists’ arrivals in Asia’s and Pacific countries in
International tourists’ arrivals and revenues from international tourism, YearTourists’arrivals, mln.Growth rate, % to the previous period Revenues from tourism, bln. dol. Growth rate, % to the previous period ,07250, ,818157, , , , , ,547679, ,3463-2, ,84742, ,752510, ,462218, ,66809, ,57337, ,657451, ,894410, , , ,79197, , , ,910753, ,1--
World tourists’ arrivals in 2001
International tourists’ arrivals and revenues from international tourism, YearTourists’ arrivals, mln.Growth rate, % to the previous period Revenues from tourism, bln. dol. Growth rate, % to the previous period ,07250, ,818157, , , , , ,547679, ,3463-2, ,84742, ,752510, ,462218, ,66809, ,57337, ,657451, ,894410, , , ,79197, , , ,910753, ,1
Leading countries in tourists’ arrivals and the revenues from international tourism,2012 КраїнаRatingTourists’ arrivals, 2012, millions Share in world tourists’ arrivals Revenues 2012, billions dollars Share in world tourism revenues Tourists’ arrivals Revenues France1383,08,053,75,0 USA2167,06,5126,211,7 China3457,75,650,04,6 Spain4257,75,655,95,2 Italy5646,44,541,23,8 Turkey61235,73,425,72,4 Germany7730,42,938,13,5 United Kingdom8829,32,836,43,4 Russian Federation92725,72,511,21,0 Malaysia101325,02,419,71,8 Total for 10 countries457,944,2458,142,
Structural changes in tourists’ expenses and tourists’ arrivals in (by countries’ groups) GroupShare in tourists’ expenses, %Share in tourists’ arrivals, % Developed countries 74,774,073,063,063,164,171,064,061,059,053,053,2 Developing countries 25,124,025,032,036,935,928,031,032,037,047,046,8 Central and Eastern Europe and CIS’s countries 0,22,0 5,0--1,05,07,04,0--
Regional structure’s changes in the world tourists’ arrivals
Forecasted changes in the regional structure of tourists’ arrivals, , % RegionArrivals, millionsMarket share, % World Africa851346,257,4 America ,613,7 Asia and Pacific ,129,6 Europe ,641,1 Middle East ,458,2
Factors that will influence on the world tourism market’s development Globalization; Changes in currencies’ exchange rates; Visa’s regimes changes; Anthropogenic catastrophes and natural disasters.