PrOpCom Promoting Pro-Poor Opportunities Through Commodity and Service Markets PrOpCom’s M&E System MEMS Office 2 August 2007
PrOpCom is a poverty reduction programme –Systemic change in the marketplace –Greater benefits to the poor from market- based activities PrOpCom Promoting Pro-Poor Opportunities Through Commodity and Service Markets PrOpCom purpose is to promotes market-led pro-poor growth in Nigeria
PrOpCom is a process programme that facilitates systemic change to improve markets and benefit the poor PrOpCom Promoting Pro-Poor Opportunities Through Commodity and Service Markets PrOpCom works with motivated individuals, organizations and firms PrOpCom works with motivated individuals, organizations and firms Helps Nigerians develop Nigeria Helps Nigerians develop Nigeria
PrOpCom Achievement of MDGs Nation Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (NEEDS/SEEDS) Making Markets Work for the Poor (M4P) PrOpCom Promoting Pro-Poor Opportunities Through Commodity and Service Markets
Increase Market Efficiency Increase Productivity Increase Profitability Increase Revenue Increase Incomes Increase Jobs Expand Access to Markets Provide More Choices in Markets Facilitate Market’s Use to Mitigate Risk Necessary Sufficient MARKETS POOR Income Jobs Access Choice Mitigation of Risk
PrOpCom’s Areas of Activities Ofada Rice Kano –Kura Rice Soya Soya
PrOpCom’s M&E system is based on a logical framework (log-frame) methodology Promoting Pro-Poor Opportunities Through Commodity and Service Markets PrOpCom
Output 3: Pro-poor Market Development Output 2: Learning and Communication Output 1: Policy and Regulation Changes Purpose: Market-led pro-poor Reform Goal: Sustain Growth in Non-oil Sector Successful activities leading to pro-poor market-led development with increasing market efficiency and profitability Leads to establishment of a framework for sustain growth in non-oil sector (agriculture) Leads to market-led pro-poor reforms Leads to lessons learnt from successful activities being communicated to stakeholders, policy makers and opinion makers M4P Linkages in PrOpCom’s Logical Framework Leads to information and data brought into the policy dialogue changing attitudes toward market-led development
PrOpCom has two levels of log frames –An overall log frame –A commodity based log frame Rice (completed) Soya (being developed) PrOpCom Promoting Pro-Poor Opportunities Through Commodity and Service Markets (See log frame examples)
Our M&E focus is on the log frame’s Observable Verifiable Indicators (OVIs) OVIs are the basis of the programmes Output to Purpose Review (OPR) (see OVI key) PrOpCom Promoting Pro-Poor Opportunities Through Commodity and Service Markets
PrOpCom uses multiple instruments to measure OVIs –Baseline Surveys –Punctual Studies –M&E Reports –External Databases –Etc. (see Database Collection Plan) PrOpCom Promoting Pro-Poor Opportunities Through Commodity and Service Markets
Baseline Studies –Ofada Rice (completed) –Kano – Kura Rice (completed) –Soya (Underway) Questions are linked to OVIs (See Annex V Handout) PrOpCom Promoting Pro-Poor Opportunities Through Commodity and Service Markets
Tracking Progress: OPR Spreadsheet –How to track a process programme –How to link log frame & OVIs to Work Plan and reporting –How to do so with limited human resources Answer: OPR Spreadsheet PrOpCom Promoting Pro-Poor Opportunities Through Commodity and Service Markets
OVI Code Indicator Code Supported Actions Actual Actions Planned Actions PrOpCom Promoting Pro-Poor Opportunities Through Commodity and Service Markets Data Entry Coding Action Month 1 Month 2 Action Evaluation Data 1 st OVI 2 nd OVI 1 st Indicator 2 nd Indicator Evaluation Data
PrOpCom Promoting Pro-Poor Opportunities Through Commodity and Service Markets OVI Code Description Month 1Month 2 O3-1 Ofada XXXX yyyy zzzz O1-1 Kano O2-2 Soya
PrOpCom Promoting Pro-Poor Opportunities Through Commodity and Service Markets OVI Code Description Month 1Month 2 O3-1OfadaXXXX yyyy zzzz O1-1Kano O2-2Soya