10/2/14 Do Now: -Take out your packet and graphic organizer from yesterday. -Take out your phones. Yes, your phone!!! Homework: Study Chapter 1-3 Vocabulary. Content Objective: Students will read their assigned primary source documents to find textual evidence in order to identify and evaluate the philosophical, religious, ethical, and social influences that shaped literature (and the philosophical view of the American Dream) of a period in American history Language Objective: Students will record their textual evidence and analysis on the graphic organizer provided in preparation for presenting to the group/class tomorrow.
Groups: 1 & 2 1 & 2 – Puritans 3 & 4 3 & 4 – Revolutionaries 5 & 6 5 & 6 – Transcendentalists What to do today What to do today: 1) Complete your graphic organizers in your groups. 2) Transfer the information from your graphic organizer to a sheet of chart paper in preparation for group presentation.
Updated Agenda Updated Agenda: Tomorrow: Vocabulary quiz Chapters 1-3 Group Presentations Review Chapters 1-3 Monday: Quiz on Chapters 1-3 Dialecticals due by 11:59pm.
Agenda and Looking Ahead Agenda and Looking Ahead: Continue with Foundations of the American Dream » Puritans » Revolutionaries » Transcendentalists Tomorrow Tomorrow: Finish and present findings Friday Friday: Quiz on Chapters 1-3 and Vocabulary Chapters 1-3.
1)What is their view of God? Textual Evidence:Analysis: 2) What are their values? 3) How do they define truth? 4) Do they have an optimistic or pessimistic view of life? 5) What are their values of work and worldly success? 6) What is their view of society? 7) Who is their authority? 8) What is their view of education? 9) Do they view man as inherently good, evil, or somewhere in between? 10) Create a connection between ideas found in your readings and The Great Gatsby.
1)What is their view of God? Textual Evidence:Analysis: 1)What are their values? Textual Evidence:Analysis: 1)How do they define truth? Textual Evidence:Analysis: 1)Do they have an optimistic or pessimistic view of life? Textual Evidence:Analysis: 1)What are their values of work and worldly success? Textual Evidence:Analysis:
1)What is their view of society? Textual Evidence:Analysis: 1)Who is their authority? Textual Evidence:Analysis: 1)What is their view of education? Textual Evidence:Analysis: 1)Do they view man as inherently good, evil, or somewhere in between? Textual Evidence:Analysis: 1)Create a connection between ideas found in your readings and The Great Gatsby.