Wider Stakeholders Attend partnership events. Contribute ideas through local community networks. Act as ambassadors to promote the partnership and encourage community participation. Contribute via Social Media. OWLP Board: Strategic Governance Provide strategic direction for the functioning of the Landscape Partnership. Bring in range of land use interests, expertise and knowledge to the partnership. Provide input into collaborative working arrangements between all partners. Oversee legacy planning work of the partnership. Scrutinise operational delivery of the LP scheme, and effective and timely implementation of the LCAP. Make recommendations on the implementation of the LCAP and projects and any changes to these. Encourage the delivery of collaborative and innovative projects and initiatives. Monitor and evaluate the work against the programme’s strategic outputs and outcomes. Scrutinise monitoring reports from the lead partner and make recommendations where needed. Monitor the LP programme’s budget and oversee expenditure, making recommendations for virement when necessary. Represent and promote the LP’s work to others at a strategic and community level to encourage participation and to enable wider partner support. Ensure partners abide by the terms of the Partnership Agreement. Ouse Washes: The Heart of the Fens Landscape Partnership scheme (OWLP) Management Structure, Responsibilities and Reporting Lines Cambridgeshire ACRE/OWLP central team: Managing the Programme & Supporting the Partnership Facilitate and administer the LP scheme and the HLF grant. Maintain partnership systems for communications, data capture, financial control and grant management. Manage and process financial claims and associated paperwork. Work with partners to help them deliver agreed projects. Lead on organisation of partnership-wide events (e.g. Festival Fortnights). Lead on monitoring and evaluation of the programme. Lead on progress reporting to and communications with the HLF. Lead on general communications and media engagement. Lead on promotion and marketing of the programme and its activities. Maintain partnership communications list, website and Social Media. Oversee delivery of volunteering and community engagement programme. Liaise with related partnerships to align with OWLP’s strategic aims Organise Board meetings and facilitate Task & Finish Groups. Work with communities to facilitate community projects. HLF: Monitoring the OWLP Programme: Guidance and Support Provide advice through mentor and project officer on project management and press engagement. Monitor progress of the scheme. Assess evaluation work. Make decisions on changes proposed for activities, outputs, outcomes and budget. Delivery Partners: Delivery of the projects Deliver projects & their targets, with agreed activities, outputs and outcomes. Liaise across partners’ projects to provide added value to the LP scheme. Deliver monitoring and evaluation requirements of the projects, with regular reporting on progress against baseline data and targets set. Provide all evidence required for financial claims and progress reporting. Provide input into scheme-wide events. Abide by the terms of the Partnership Agreement and Funding Agreements. Task & Finish Groups: Strategic Decision-making Discuss issues relating to the delivery of the LCAP, overall vision and strategic aims and objectives of the LP scheme. Support the delivery of collaborative and innovative projects through the Community Heritage Fund. Instigate a Legacy Plan for the OWLP partnership scheme. Provide direction for destination marketing of the OWLP area.
Ouse Washes: The Heart of the Fens Landscape Partnership scheme (OWLP) Management Structure, Responsibilities and Reporting Lines Cambridgeshire ACRE/OWLP central team: Relationships with project delivery staff Programme Manager Line-manage Countryside Engagement Officer and Programme Support Officer. Work with partners to deliver agreed projects. Lead on monitoring and evaluation of the programme. Organise Board meetings. Facilitate Task & Finish Groups. Implement volunteering, community engagement and audience strategies. Oversee promotional and communication strategies. Oversee management of finances and report on budgets. Countryside Engagement Officer and Programme Support Officer Engage with communities to promote the programme. Work with communities to facilitate community projects. Recruit and manage volunteers, identifying engagement opportunities. Organise partnership-wide events (e.g. Festival Fortnights). Lead on communications, promotion and marketing of programme and activities. Support partnership and programme administration. Assist in M&E work. Data and financial claim processing Cambridgeshire ACRE – Lead Partner Employ/line-manage Programme Manager. Maintain partnership systems for communication, data capture, financial control and grant management. Manage finances and oversee Common Funding strategy. Oversee delivery of volunteering and community engagement strategy and programme. Maintain partnership communications list and social media. Project Delivery Staff (paid through HLF grant)- Outreach Project 1 - Giving Nature a Home at Fen Drayton Lakes: Visitor Officer (F/T, Apr – Nov 2015 & Apr – Nov 2016); Project 4 - Wildlife Friendly Farming & Community Engagement: Community Engagement Officer, 3 days/wk Oct 2014 – Sep 2016); Project 11 – Great Ouse Wetland (GOW) Engagement – GOW Engagement Officer (2.5 days/wk, Aug 2014 – Jul 2016). Project Delivery Staff (paid through HLF grant)- Other Project 15 - Migrant Links: Project Co-ordinator (12 hrs/wk, Jul 2014 – Mar 2015); Project 22 – Community Warden scheme (P/T 1-2 days/wk, Jul 2014 – Jun 2016).