Manhattan Project National Historic Park Real Estate Workshop Argonne National Laboratory, 5 May 2015 Scott L. Whiteford Director, Real Estate and Personal Property Policy
What is it? Manhattan Project National Historic Park (MPNHP) authorized in FY 2015 NDAA Preserve and protect significant historical resources associated with the Manhattan Project Improve public understanding of the Manhattan Project and the legacy of the Manhattan Project Enhance public access to the Historical Park Assist DOE, Historical Park communities, and other orgs to preserve and protect the resources associated with the Manhattan Project 2
Where is it? 3
Eligible Areas Oak Ridge, TN – Buildings and 9731 at Y-12 – X-10 Graphite Reactor at ORNL – K-25 Building Site, ETTP – Former Guest House – At other sites that are determined to be suitable/appropriate Hanford, WA – B Reactor – Hanford High School – White Bluffs Bank Building – Warehouse at Bruggemann’s Agricultural Complex – Hanford Irrigation District Pump House – T-Plant Los Alamos, NM – Area within Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory National Historic Landmark District and any addition to District proposed in recent nomination – Former East Cafeteria – Former Dormitory 4
Where is it? 5
Roles/Responsibilities DOI – Establish MPNHP as a unit of the National Park Service (1-year) – Determine which property included from list provided in statute – Enter into an agreement with DOE regarding roles/responsibilities in administering facilities and land under jurisdiction of DOE to include access, management, historic preservation, interpretation and historic preservation (1-year) – Consultation with public prior to entering into agreement with DOE – Federal register notice of establishment within 30 days after MOA signature – Administer the MPNHP – Prepare General Management Plan (3-years after funding available) – May provide tours of historically significant sites outside the boundary of the MPNHP 6
Roles/Responsibilities DOE – Ensure mission integrity – Consult with DOI on historical information for MPNHP – Maintain environmental liabilities – Retain authority and obligation for historic preservation and general maintenance – May accept gifts/donation for the purposes of preserving and providing access to historically significant Manhattan Project resources 7
Issues Logistics - One park located in three states and three separate NPS regions Roles/responsibilities/funding Location of Superintendent Stakeholder expectations Timeline – Statutory schedule Operation – Joint Operation Plans 8