Computer Crime crime accomplished through knowledge or use of computer technology. Computers are tools – we choose how to use / apply the technology.
How Much Crime? Indetected Unreported Unprosecuted on the rise
Who? insiders / former insiders pranksters / hackers spies & thieves organized crime
Theft identity information money equipment software piracy intellectual property theft
MalWare malicious software. Trojan Horse - Logic / Time Bomb Virus – self replicates Worm – infects a network Spyware – transmits info
Dealing with Viruses 18,000+ viruses – 250 in the wild antivirus software networks – help the spread security patches – plug the holes dependence – increase the impact standardization – increase susceptibility
Hackers early hackers vs. today. motivation : curiosity challenge illustrate security weaknesses stealing information webjackers & hacktivism denial of service attacks
Security protecting computer systems & the information they contain. unwanted access, damage, modification, or destruction. computers do exactly what they are programmed to do : can be reprogrammed, and you must tell them how to protect themselves.
Access Restriction something you : –have : key, badge, card –know : password, id code, combination –do : habits, unique to you –are : biometrics used in combination
Passwords not using dictionary words mixed case requiring additional symbols requiring frequent changes
Encryption translation info to an unreadable form. protect digital data – computers, electronic commerce, wireless systems, Bluetooth devices, bank machines.
Firewalls gateway, entry point. lots of different approaches, filter some traffic. only let appropriate packets / traffic through.
Audit-control Software leaving & monitoring electronic footprints watch for suspicious behaviour
Protecting Against Failure Backups – multiple generations Surge Protector – power surges UPS – uninterrupted power supply Mirroring data / RAID
People are Risky don’t see themselves as a risk. work around security.
Reliability when we rely on computers, and something goes wrong, the impact can be significant : Therac 25 Y2K – $100 billion cannot find all of the bugs they harder bugs are to find, the worse they are may be. increased complexity compounds the problem.
Security vs. Privacy balancing. examples : – at work –cell phone with GPS –active badge