Preparing kids for hurricane season. By: Achilles GCC team
A hurricane is a tropical storm that was a increased in power by the seas, waters and wind from Africa (or any continent other the than the U.S). They need warm tropical oceans, moisture and light winds. They gather heat and water from the warm waters, and evaporation from the sea water increases its power. Hurricanes rotate in a counterclockwise around an “eye.” Winds get to at least 75 mph. When they come onto the land, they can bring heavy rain, strong winds and horrible floods, and can damaged buildings, trees and cars. They also produce heavy waves causing STORM SURGE. Storm surges are every dangerous and a major reason why you MUST stay away from the oceans during this time.
1. Eye- the eye is the calm part of a hurricane. Don’t be fooled if the wind and rain stop in the middle of the hurricane for you are in the eye. 2. Evacuate- you and your family may be asked to leave your home for your own safety. 3. Floods-more people are killed by fresh water floods during a hurricane then any other disaster. 4. Hurricane watch- a hurricane is possible in 36 hours. Stay tuned to the radio and TV for more information 5. Storm Surge- a storm surge is a massive dome of water, often 50 miles wide, that sweeps across the area on the coast where the eye comes ashore. The stronger the Hurricane, the higher the storm surge. For those living along the coast you must pay extreme caution for a storm surge during a hurricane.
What can you do? Listen to the radio Have a disaster Supply kit/meeting place Get the house ready