Monday, Oct. 21, 2013 Math- 1 st & 2 nd -Precent Chart HW:Finish Chart & Study for test on Friday 3 rd & 5 th - Study guide for Unit 2 Test HW: Finish study guide and study for test on Wednesday 4 th -Proprotions and multiplying and dividing decimals HW:Practice Reading- read 120 min. for week; Reading Comp WS Language Arts- bring grammar book; journals due Fri. Science- Layers of the Earth Worksheets Social Studies- Cuban Communist Revolution
Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2013 Math- 1 st & 2 nd -Discount, sales, tax, tip HW: practice & Study for test on Friday 3 rd & 5 th - Go over study guide and study for test on Wednesday 4 th -Proprotions and multiplying and dividing decimals HW: Practice Reading-read 120 min. for week; Reading Comp WS Language Arts- bring grammar book; journals due Fri. Science- Layers of the Earth Worksheets Social Studies- Ch. 7 Packet
Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013 Math- 1 st & 2 nd -Study guide HW: Finish Study guide & Study for test on Friday 3 rd & 5 th - Unit 2 test 4 th -Proprotions and multiplying and dividing decimals HW: Practice Reading-read 120 min. for week; Reading Comp WS Language Arts- bring grammar book; journals due Fri. Science- Social Studies- Ch. 8 Packet
Thursday, Oct. 24, 2013 Math- 1 st & 2 nd -Go over study Guide HW:Study for test on Friday 3 rd & 5 th - Integrated Art 4 th -Proprotions and multiplying and dividing decimals HW: Study for quiz over proportions Reading-read 120 min. for week; Reading Comp WS Language Arts- bring grammar book; journals due Fri. Science- Social Studies- Guest speaker
Friday, Oct. 25, 2013 Math- 1 st &2 nd – Go over Unit 2 test 3 rd & 5 th - Exponents 4 th -Quiz over proportions Reading-read 120 min. for week; Reading Comp WS Language Arts- bring grammar book; journals due today Science- Social Studies- Zapatista Movement in Mexico