By: Michael Scott
Waves Are usually associated with the constant gravitational pull of the moon and the sun. In this section, we will learn what waves are, how they are formed, and how all waves are not the same.
Introduction to Section 2 Section 2 Waves The Anatomy of a Wave Wave formation and Movement Specifics of Wave Movement Types of Waves Deep Water Waves and Shallow Water Waves Wind Waves and Swell Waves Storm Surges
The Anatomy of the Wave Waves are composed of two main things: crests and troughs. The crest is the highest point of a wave. The trough is the lowest point of a wave. Wave can often be compared to a rollercoaster in a theme park The very top of a rollercoaster is the same as the crest of a wave. The dip of the rollercoaster track resembles that of the trough in a wave. To measure a wave there are two thing that can be done: find the wavelength and the wave height. Wavelength is the horizontal distance of either two crest or two troughs. Wave height is the vertical distance.
Wave Formation and Movement Waves usually form from the wind blowing across the water’s surface. When this happens, the wind transfers energy to the water. As the energy moves through the water, the waves move also. Many would think that the water would also move, but this is not so. When the winds energy moves and the waves move, the water stays behind. The water instead, moves in a circular motion.
Specifics of Wave Movement Waves not only differ in size, but in speed as well. In order to calculate the speed of a wave, scientists find the wave length and the wave period. With these two factors, scientists can calculate the wave speed by dividing the wave length by the wave period. black/seas.swf
Deep Water Waves and Shallow Water Waves Deep water waves can be identified by determining the wavelength rather than the depth of the water. The shallow water waves, on the other hand, can be measured according to the depth of the water.
Different Types of Waves There are two different types of waves: Wind waves and Swell waves. Wind waves Waves that form from local prevailing winds. These waves will travel in the direction in which the wind is blowing from. Swell waves These are waves that moved away from the area they were generated. These waves also settle into a regular traveling pattern.
Storm Surges Storm surges are occur when powerful winds begin to push up onto the shoreline. Examples of Storm surges: Hurricanes Tsunamis