Types of Storms Hurricanes
What is a Hurricane and how do they form? Hurricane: a tropical storm that has winds about 119km/hour (73.9 mph) or higher Form over warm ocean water as a low pressure or tropical disturbance As it grows in size and strength, it upgrades from a Tropical disturbance Tropical Storm Hurricane Forms in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans In the Western Pacific, hurricanes are called typhoons
Eyewall vs. Eye Eyewall: narrow band of winds and clouds around the center of the storm Considered the most deadly area of a hurricane Produces deadly winds more than 150 mph Eye: considered the center of the storm Calm area After passing through the eye, the storm will resume, but the winds blow in the OPPOSITE direction
How do Hurricanes move? ncane.htm html
Damage Damaged caused by storm surges Storm surge: a dome of water that sweeps across the coast when the hurricane makes landfall: can be up to 6 meters (20 feet) high Damages include: washing away beaches, destroy home and buildings, and erode the coastline
Storms video: National Geographic ODg