Study Conducted in 2009 Lead Researchers: Blythe Corbett, Joan Gunther & Dan Comins ◦ University of California, Davis Results Published in Journal of Autism Development Disorders (2010)
Major Components of Learning Deficit: Difficulty understanding other individual’s thoughts & feelings Difficulty perceiving and understanding emotions Limited ability to empathize Poor communication skills
Successful Behavioral Intervention Strategies Peer Mediation Active Learning Practice Key to Success Supportive Environment
Children with autism spectrum disorders would show improvement in social-emotional skills from participating in a peer-mediated musical theatrical program.
Pretest – Posttest Design Evaluated changes in 3 neuropsychological measures
8 Children (7 boys, 1 girl) Age Range: 6-17 (M = 13.86, SD = 3.49) IQ Score Range: 62 – 102 (M = SD = 16.44)
Autistic children paired with normally developing peer actors Role of peer actors: ◦ Serve as peer models & co-stars in a musical performance ◦ Perform peer’s role for video modeling
Rehearsals 3 months Rehearsal schedule increased gradually from 1 day to 4 a week Held in supportive environment
2 of the 3 measures produced statistically significant results: ◦ Matching Faces [t(7) = -2.62, p = 0.034] ◦ Theory of Mind [t(7) = -2.73, p = 0.034]
Need More Robust Follow Up Study Larger sample required Control group Participants need to stop other interventions