Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride by Pam Munoz Ryan Created by Ms. Turitto
Spelling 1. Loop 1. Loop 2. Wounded 2. Wounded 3. Shoot 3. Shoot 4. Booth 4. Booth 5. Broom 5. Broom 6. boost 6. boost 7. Mood 7. Mood 8. Fooling 8. Fooling 9. Afternoon 9. Afternoon 10. Room 10. Room 11. Smooth 11. Smooth 12. Tooth 12. Tooth 13. Raccoon 13. Raccoon 14. Bloomed 14. Bloomed 15. Souvenir 15. Souvenir 16. Routine 16. Routine 17. Roofs 17. Roofs 18. Loose 18. Loose 19. Coop 19. Coop 20. Stoop 20. Stoop
Challenge Words Navigator Navigator License License Aviator Aviator Copilot Copilot Adventurer Adventurer
Read Aloud Do you share the pet’s feelings of admiration toward Eleanor Roosevelt? Why or Why not? Do you share the pet’s feelings of admiration toward Eleanor Roosevelt? Why or Why not? What actions mentioned in “We Could Be Friends” help you picture the friendship? What actions mentioned in “We Could Be Friends” help you picture the friendship? Calling each other, playing, taking walks, talking, goofing around. Calling each other, playing, taking walks, talking, goofing around.
How are these poems similar? How are they different? How are these poems similar? How are they different? They both use rhyme; The first poem is about friendship, and the second is about admiration for a leader. They both use rhyme; The first poem is about friendship, and the second is about admiration for a leader.
Vocab Splash Outspoken Outspoken Practical Practical Brisk Brisk Elegant Elegant Elevations Elevations Marveled Marveled Miniatures Miniatures Star struck Star struck
Vocabulary: Outspoken Outspoken bold or honest in speech bold or honest in speech Practical Practical useful or sensible useful or sensible Brisk Brisk cool and stimulation cool and stimulation Elegant Elegant tasteful, stylish and beautiful tasteful, stylish and beautiful
Elevations Elevations heights above the ground or sea-level Marveled became filled with awe or wonder Miniatures small-scale models of larger things Star struck Star struck full of stars full of stars
OUTSPOKEN Out-spo-ken Out-spo-ken Adjective Adjective Bold or honest speaker Bold or honest speaker
PRACTICAL Prac-tic-alAdjective Useful or sensible Which item would NOT be practical in the winter time?
ELEVATIONS El-e-va-tions El-e-va-tions Noun Noun Heights above sea level Heights above sea level
BRISK Brisk Brisk Adjective Adjective Cool and stimulating, like weather Cool and stimulating, like weather
ELEGANT El-e-gant El-e-gant Adjective Adjective Tasteful, stylish Tasteful, stylish
MARVELED Mar-veled Mar-veled Verb Verb Filled with awe or wonder Filled with awe or wonder WOW! THAT’S COOL, MAN!
MINIATURES Min-ia-tures Min-ia-tures Noun Noun Small-scaled models of larger things Small-scaled models of larger things
STARSTRUCK Star-struck Star-struck Adjective Adjective Full of stars Full of stars
Vocabulary Activity Your teacher will assign you a partner. Your teacher will assign you a partner. You have 5 minutes to come up with a skit to act out your vocabulary word without saying the word. You have 5 minutes to come up with a skit to act out your vocabulary word without saying the word. After you act out your skit, the class will try to guess what your word was. After you act out your skit, the class will try to guess what your word was.
Vocab Act Outspoken Outspoken Practical Practical Brisk Brisk Elegant Elegant Elevations Elevations Marveled Marveled Miniatures Miniatures Starstruck Starstruck
Use a Venn Diagram to compare Amelia and Eleanor.
Grammar: Complete and Simple Subjects The complete subject is all the words that name the person or thing the sentence is about. The complete subject is all the words that name the person or thing the sentence is about. The simple subject is the main word or words in the complete subject of a sentence. The simple subject is the main word or words in the complete subject of a sentence.