Project title: “The Vırus of Poetry” PTI (poetry, translatıon and ımprovısatıon) Project type: Multılateral Project Countries involved/partner countries: –Turkey – Fatıh Yılmaz –Lıthuanıa – Gıedre Pocıute –Slovakıa – Zuzana Zupınova –Portugal – Marılıa Rıbeıro
Target groups: 14 to16-year-old students Aims: –To fınd new forms of self-expressıon; –To motıvate language learnıng; –To make language learnıng meanıngful; –To promote cooperatıon among students –To promote awareness of language diversity –To learn to cooperate and respect the linguistic and cultural differences to exchange ideas, opinions and experiences among teachers, students of different European countries –To use foreign languages and ICT as international instruments of communication, ellaboration and diffusion of the results.
Thematic area: –Foreign languages –Translation practise –ICT –Creative learning –Theatre,music,dance,literature and traditions Impact: On students : Students will learn how to cooperate in multicultural context Students will realise the differences and similarities in language, traditions, culture etc… On teachers : Teachers will interact in planned and systematic way Teachers will promote multilanguages in a linguistic exchange Teachers will share ideas and experiences with colleagues from particpating countries
On the institutions : They will also fulfill the need of European integration through accepting cultural differences, They will let people involved in the institutions cooperate in a multi-cultural context, They will experience planning and organising international meetings or activities, They will reflect concepts of identity, difference, partnership and active citizenship They will be well known at local, national and international context, They will set good examples for other institutions at local and national context,
Outcomes and products: - DVDs - CDs - Multilanguage book with poems - Students exchange Evaluation and dissemination: - Final meeting - Discussion - Questionnaire