Dr Fariba Darabi International Project Week 12th May 2014 Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Science
My hometown on Google map Dr Fariba Darabi Lecturer in International Business - I was born in Ahvaz, the South part of Iran - Completed my first degree in Tehran City, the capital of Iran - Worked for International Companies - Completed MSc in International Business - Awarded Doctorate Degree in Business Administration - Lecturer and Researcher at Sheffield Business School
Understand the concept of ‘Ethic, and International Business Understanding ethical issues faced by international businesses Identifying the causes of unethical behaviour by managers Discussing the value of ethical bahaviour Ethical considerations for managers
Understand the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility Identifying and analysing the stakeholders Understanding ethics and CRS in MNEs, SMEs, and NGOs Discuss a sustainable CSR framework
Lecture Seminar including activities Video clips Case study Problem solving Group presentation (Student-led seminar) Assessment- Poster presentation
What is your perception/understanding of the notion of 'ethics'? How do you think is different from international business ethics? Discuss in pairs, then with the whole class Preparation for next class unethical-business-practices/?img= unethical-business-practices/?img=45148