COMP1321 Networks in Organisations Richard Henson March 2014
Protecting Organisational Data n By the end of this session you should be able to: –explain why the internal network user is potentially a threat –explain the importance of protecting entry to the network by outsiders –suggest ways to identify vulnerabilities of the network, so action can be taken to reduce the risk
Network Management n A network manager has two (conflicting?) responsibilities –provide facilities and services that users need to do their jobs –protect the network against abuse by naïve or malign users n General perception (by users!)… –network managers are more concerned with “protecting the network” than servicing the needs of its users
The “good insider”.. Threat (?) n Users: employees, who (generally) want to do their job, and do it well… n Possible conflict with the “security-orientated” or “nanny-state” approach to network management n Personal opinion: needs balance –the network IS there for the benefit of the users… »fulfill business objectives –the network MUST be as secure as reasonably possible »protect valuable company data
“unthinking” insiders n Employees who do stupid things on the network –bring in viruses –spread passwords around –forward inappropriately –engage with phishing s… –etc…
Bad Insiders n Could be disillusioned –just plain corrupt –maybe a temp? n Could cause real damage –bring network down –put company out of business…
What to do about the Insider Threat? n A matter for organisational management –Establish policy »negotiated with users… –Educate/train users –Enable breaches of policy to be detected… –Enforce policy!
What about Outsiders? n Two types: –employees working “in the field” –the rest of the world… n Organisational management can’t enforce policy on the latter… –network only protected through good, well- resourced network management
... Firewall INTERNET Internal Network Firewalls: checking/blocking data coming in and out…
Do we have a problem? n Perceptions “from the inside” quite different from “outside looking in”
Should we find out…? n Almost impossible to tell if the network is secure from within… –could just hope so (!) –could go outside, and try to penetrate defences –better still, the organisation could get a benign expert to do it for them…
Assuming no security… n Data cannot be made completely secure if it uses a public network –naïve to think so n Also (especially…) true on a wireless public network –necessary to have a system that ensures data that is hacked en route is unintelligible
Authentication had better be good… n Generally means control via the desktop or application layer –Browser/Windows desktop n If Internet-based, should use PKI »public-key encrypted n user digital certificate tied to computer & address »public-key encrypted web pages n use https protocol n server has an SSL certificate
End-device controlled security n Two types of identification (as in previous e.g.): –via computer (device) ID –via user ID n Either/both can (should?) have a password to control access
Security & Privacy n Closely related technologies –important differences n Privacy –about informational self-determination »ability to decide what information about you goes where n Security –offers the ability to be confident that privacy decisions are respected
Privacy, Security, and Websites n Many potential vulnerabilities…. –openly displayed “sensitive” text n “Hidden” web pages not really hidden n Access to web server, or ftp server, by finding website administrators details… n Hacking web databases via SQL Injection…
Privacy, Security and Mobile Networks n Mobile voice privacy –can someone listen in on my call? »privacy goal: allow user to say no »security technology, e.g. encryption: allows user to enforce it n Sometimes goals of security and privacy are the same –other times orthogonal, or even in conflict
Security/Privacy v Availability n “I want it all, and I want it now…” – Rl72k Rl72khttp:// Rl72k n “Only if your request conforms with the rules…” –society: bad for other people –organisational: confidentiality –personal: human rights
Balancing Rules on Privacy/Security n Ideal: –keeps the data secure… –allows the user freedom to do their job, participate in legitimate leisure activity, etc. n Unnecessarily restrictive or unexplained rules… –users get frustrated…
NOT Getting the balance right… n Worrying survey & report (BBC, 19/11/10): n BBC’s own network users so frustrated about IT restrictions stopping them doing their jobs that many (typically 41% according to a CISCO survey) ignored the rules! n Is it the same everywhere? n Is it any better today?