Figurative Language 3K9pd6h9JT0
Where’s My Partner? 1.Some of you will receive poetry terms. 2.Some of you will receive the definitions for those terms. 3.When I say “Begin,” get up and move around the room to find the “partner” that goes with the word or words you have on your card. 4.Please, DO NOT BEND THE CARDS. 5.Put them next to each on the board.
Poetry Terms & Definitions TERMSDEFINITIONS
Critical Writing: List three types of figurative language. Describe two techniques used by authors of poetry. Compare one type of figurative language to another.
Figurative Language 3K9pd6h9JT0
Poetic Elements Anchor Chart Take five minutes to review the terms on the Anchor Chart. 3Rs = READ…RECITE…REVIEW Do not write any examples yet.
Poetry Analysis 1.Listen to poems for sound devices. 2.Read poem to identify structural techniques. 3.Read again to identify figurative language. 4.What impact do the findings of #1-3 have on the meaning or your enjoyment of the poems?
Listen First 1.“Cats in the Kitchen” 2.“The Armpit of Doom” html#.VAeIRU1OXIU html#.VAeIRU1OXIU 3.“Our Mother Threw the Pie Away” “My Puppy Plays Piano” html#.VAeKZ01OXIU html#.VAeKZ01OXIU 5. “I Ate a Spicy Pepper”
Continue your analysis… Read the poems twice with your assigned partner. First look for poetic structural techniques. Next look for figurative language. Be sure to put check marks in the appropriate columns so we can analyze the data we collect.
Data Analysis Look at the trends you see in the columns. Draw conclusions about what the presence or absence of check marks tells you.
Gathering Examples (CW) Complete the last column on your Anchor Chart by writing in examples from the five poems.