King Cotton So…you’re saying my clothes grow right out of the ground? Weird!
Words to Know Sharecropping Sharecropping Tenant farming Tenant farming Commercial Farming Commercial Farming Subsistence Farming Subsistence Farming Bond Bond Credit Credit Barter Barter Mortgage Mortgage Commerce Commerce Manufacturing Manufacturing Boll weevil Boll weevil Robert Munger Robert Munger Blue Kelly Blue Kelly Cash Crop Cash Crop
Economic Conditions After the War Many People’s savings were tied up in Confederate bonds. Many People’s savings were tied up in Confederate bonds. After the war, these bonds became worthless. After the war, these bonds became worthless. Businesses also became ruined. They had sold the Confederacy goods on credit. When the Confederacy ceased to exist, the debts would never be paid. Businesses also became ruined. They had sold the Confederacy goods on credit. When the Confederacy ceased to exist, the debts would never be paid. Debt must be BAD!!!! Debt must be BAD!!!!
Return of the Small Farm When businesses failed, people had to rely on farming to feed themselves. When businesses failed, people had to rely on farming to feed themselves. Tenant farming became popular again. Of course, this wasn’t a good deal for all. Why? Tenant farming became popular again. Of course, this wasn’t a good deal for all. Why?
Sharecropping When a tenant farmer couldn’t pay for his land in cash, he shared the crop. When a tenant farmer couldn’t pay for his land in cash, he shared the crop. Mortgages became common. Mortgages became common. Interesting:Mortgage is a compound word from Latin. Interesting:Mortgage is a compound word from Latin. Mort = death and Gage = grip. Mort = death and Gage = grip.
Transportation Texas was isolated from commerce due to lack of transportation for shipping goods. Texas was isolated from commerce due to lack of transportation for shipping goods. This negatively impacted the Texas economy and its growth. This negatively impacted the Texas economy and its growth. The Texas government allowed railroads to be built after the Civil War. The Texas government allowed railroads to be built after the Civil War. The period of was a time of rapid expansion of the railroads in Texas. The period of was a time of rapid expansion of the railroads in Texas. More than 8000 miles of track was built. More than 8000 miles of track was built.
Effects of the Railroads in Texas Since goods could now be shipped Since goods could now be shipped anywhere, Texans began to build towns and farms near railroads. Farming also expanded into West Texas. Farming also expanded into West Texas.
Effects of New Technology The steel plow made tilling soil easier and more cost effective. The Kelly Plow Company developed a longer-lasting plow called the Blue Kelly. The steel plow made tilling soil easier and more cost effective. The Kelly Plow Company developed a longer-lasting plow called the Blue Kelly. Robert Munger invented the cotton gin to speed the production of cotton. Robert Munger invented the cotton gin to speed the production of cotton. Along with the railroad, these inventions changed the fate of Texas forever. Along with the railroad, these inventions changed the fate of Texas forever.
Cotton Farming The rise of the cotton industry caused other industries to be created to meet the needs of the cotton farmers. This effect was the beginning of manufacturing in Texas. The rise of the cotton industry caused other industries to be created to meet the needs of the cotton farmers. This effect was the beginning of manufacturing in Texas. As the cotton industry grew, so did the size of cities, manufacturing, and the number of flour and gristmills. As the cotton industry grew, so did the size of cities, manufacturing, and the number of flour and gristmills. What the heck is a “gristmill”????? A gristmill is a place where grain is ground into substances such as cornmeal, grits, etc. What the heck is a “gristmill”????? A gristmill is a place where grain is ground into substances such as cornmeal, grits, etc.
A “Cotton Culture” The calendar was soon built around the cotton- growing season. The calendar was soon built around the cotton- growing season. Planting in the spring, cultivation in the summer, harvest in the fall. Planting in the spring, cultivation in the summer, harvest in the fall. When the harvest was poor, so were the people. When the harvest was poor, so were the people. In those bad years, people turned to credit to buy necessities. In those bad years, people turned to credit to buy necessities. The use of credit was usually a bad thing, as it resulted in yet another cycle of poverty. The use of credit was usually a bad thing, as it resulted in yet another cycle of poverty.