Hannah Spiers Samuel Agaba Bwindi Community Hospital Neonatal Audit
Placement Global links volunteer 5 month placement Post ST3 August 2014 – January 2015 Rural placement Private Christian hospital 1 st paediatric volunteer 100 admissions a month to paediatrics
Side room on paediatric ward 2 incubators Bubble CPAP Oxygen Phototherapy Nurses cover both neonates and paediatrics 1 nurse overnight Neonatal Unit
Introduction Combined audit of various aspects of care Focused on 1 st 24 hours of admission History Treatment Observations Outcomes
Standards Observations are performed 2 hourly 10% Dextrose is given 2 hourly Antibiotics for all babies admitted Vitamin K for all babies Document risk factors for infection All babies who stay for 5 days or more should be reweighed for discharge
Methods Retrospective case note review All admissions in August 2014 Re audit October 2014 Re audit December 2014
Final Diagnosis August 2014: Sepsis: 5 Prematurity: 3 HIE: 3 Bronchiolitis / URTI :2 Phimosis 1 Jaundice 1 Stable baby 1 NEC: 1 Foetal Alcohol Syndrome:1 Spina Bifida: 1 October 2014: Sepsis: 6 Prematurity: 8 HIE: 5 Jaundice 2 Pneumonia: 1 RDS: 1 Coagulopathy: 1 Abdo distension: 1 December2014: Sepsis: 15 Prematurity: 3 HIE: 4 Jaundice: 4 Congenital malformation: 2 Meconium aspiration: 2 Oral candida: 2 Postmaturity 1 Pulmonary haemorrhage: 1
Outcomes 2-4 babies died in each audit cycle Mortality rate of 11 – 24% 1 referral for spinal bifida 1 patient ‘escaped’
Baseline audit Vitamin K given to 56% No documentation of risk factors for sepsis Antibiotics given to all babies 2 (out of 4) incorrect doses of Gentamicin as not adjusted for prematurity Aminophylline given appropriately Discharge weights are taken in 33%
Neonatal Poster Weigh babies for discharge Gentamicin doses for preterm babies 3mg/kg Check respiratory rate every 2 hours Vitamin K for all babies
Maternity referral form Updated referral form already in use with lead Midwife Added fields: Mother’s condition …………………………………… Maternal infection? …………………………………… Prolonged rupture of membranes? (>18 hours)………… Chorioamnionitis? …………………………………… Vitamin K……………………………………………. Encourage follow up of missing information
Antibiotic guideline Start antibiotics if: RISK FACTORS present DANGER SIGNS present Observation for well babies with only one of hypothermia OR tachypnoea in first 4 hours
Risk factors for sepsis August 2014: 0 (0%) October 2014: 3 (16%) December 2014: 5 (29%) Old referral sheet continues to be used for most patients
Treatments Aug 14: Antibiotics given: 18/18 (100%) Oct 14: Antibiotics given:18/19 (95%) Dec 14: Antibiotics given: 17/17 (100%) Neonatal antibiotic policy appears to be being followed Aug 14: 2 (out of 4) incorrect doses of Gentamicin as not adjusted for prematurity Oct 14 & Dec 14: All doses correct
Improvements Vitamin K administration Neonatal observations Antibiotic prescribing Recording of discharge weights Simple low cost interventions
Thank you