Curly Questions By Clarissa Suchanek
Do you think you can ever lie to yourself? I don’t think I could ever lie to myself because even if I was capable of it I would always know that it isn’t true. Lying to myself would mean I was trying to make something up to suit myself and make me feel better. In conclusion I don’t think I could ever lie to myself because there is no point in doing so.
Are truth and lies the same as right and wrong? Truth is reality. Even though it is hard to swallow it is still true. Truth isn’t always easy to tell someone. Sometimes people think that telling the truth to a person is wrong. But it is right. If the person knows the truth they know what the real deal is even though it is not what they expect. Telling the truth is the best thing to do. Truth is Right. Lies are fantasy. Lies are easy to tell and make it easier for everyone. At times people tell a lie to either get out of trouble, to make people happy etc. But lies are not good. Lies get you into more trouble. Dishonesty is the worst thing you are capable of. Lies are wrong. Truth and lies are quite so the same as right and wrong.
Can you be truthful for dishonest reasons? People, including myself, are capable of being truthful for dishonest reasons. Telling the truth to someone is telling them what is true, but after you tell them the truth and consider you’re telling them because they need to know, the truth is you’re telling them to make yourself feel better. There are many ways to be truthful for dishonest reasons.
Is something only true is you can prove it? No of course not. There are times where you cannot prove it for some reason. Some things are true in our world but nobody has ever been able to prove it. For example; I know that I saw my mum putting a $2 coin under my pillow and taking my tooth away whilst she thought I was sleeping but I could never prove it to anyone because I never had any video footage. There are times when an individual saw someone killing another person but could never prove it. If someone can’t prove something it doesn’t mean it’s not true.
What is a white lie? Are some lies bigger than others? A white lie is an unimportant lie. Some lies are bigger than others because they are more important. Lies can be bigger because they can cause a bigger situation. It can be bigger because it can involve more people. Lies can be bigger than others for many reasons.
Is truth different at different points in a person’s life? ( ) Yes truth is different at different points of life. E.g. The truth at a young age is if the child knows how to
Can truth differ between cultures? No, I don’t think truth can differ between cultures because even though the laws can change but truth might not.
What about a debate; can both sides be telling the truth- even if they disagree? Yes, what they both say can be true even if they both disagree. For Example; Jack and Josh are fighting over a pen. A number of people have the same kind of pen. Jack says that he had put it down on the desk then turned and when he turned around again Josh was about to grab the pen. Josh says that it was HIS pen because he had lost his and so he thinks that the pen was his. They can both be telling the truth even if they disagree with each other.
Is seeing believing? Can you think of an example where this is NOT the case? You don’t have to see something before you believe in it. Catholics believe in God but they’ve never seen Him. Even though they haven’t seen God they still keep their faith in Him. They still believe the stories in the Bible. They believe in Him. It doesn’t matter to them that they haven’t seen Him. Children believe in the Tooth Fairy even though they’ve never seen her. Many people believe in something even though they have seen it. In Conclusion it isn’t necessary to see something to believe in it.