Jamshid Beheshti, Charles Cole, Andrew Large Dhary Abuhimed, Isabelle Lamoureux School of Information Studies McGill University Middle school students’ experiences during an enquiry-based learning project
Outline Objective Background Framework Methodology Results Conclusion 25/10/ Cognitive Computer Science Conference 2012
Objective 25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference To determine cognitive and affective experiences of high school students during information seeking process for an enquiry-based learning project Phase 1 of a larger project Design intervention agents to assist students in their information seeking process
Background 25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference Children and teens are technology savvy, but Lack basic information literacy skills Fast searchers, but spend little time in evaluating information Relevance of information Accuracy of information Authority of information Poor understanding of their information needs Difficulty in formulating effective search strategies Use natural language for searching Difficulty in assessing relevance of a long list of hits Unsophisticated mental models
Framework: Kuhlthau’s Information Search Process 25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference Tasks Initiation Selection Exploration Formulation Collection Presentation → Feelings uncertainly optimism confusion clarity sense of satisfaction or (affective) frustration direction/ disappointment doubt confidence Thoughtsvague →focused (cognitive) → increased interest Actions seeking relevant information →seeking pertinent information (physical) exploring documenting
Methodology 25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference Private English-language high school in Montreal Grade 8 History Night project Two classes 44 students Demographic/information survey 18 (41%) girls and 26 (59%) boys 93% English as their first language Claimed average of 6 years of Internet experience
Demographics 25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference ActivityResponses% School work Chat General information Hobbies Games2455.8
Methodology 25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference Task History Night Project Groups / Individual projects 11 groups / 11 individuals Choose a historical topic Research Submit a Thesis Statement Choose a format for the a presentation Present in class Presentation night Mid-February – End of May
Methodology: instrument 25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference From the adjectives below, check (√) those that describe how you feel at this point in the project: ____ (2) Disappointed ____ (7) Doubtful ____ (3) Frustrated ____ (8) Optimistic ____ (4) Relieved ____ (9) Satisfied ____ (5) Sure ____ (10) Uncertain ____ (1) Confident ____ (6) Confused ____ (11) Other_______________
Methodology: instrument 25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference What are you thinking now? ____ I should identify several possible topics (13) ____ I should seek information about my specific topic (14) ____ I should discuss my ideas with my classmates (15) ____I should discuss the project with my parents/brothers/sisters (16) ____I should discuss my ideas with my teacher (17) ____ I should choose a topic that has the potential for success (1) ____I should choose a topic that interests me (2) ____ I should organize my thoughts and ideas (3) ____ I should become informed about the topic (5) ____ I should understand the task before me (6) ____I should choose a topic that takes the least amount of time to complete the project (8) ____ I should get more interested and involved in ideas (9) ____ I should gain a sense of direction and clarity (10)
Analysis 25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference Based on weekly surveys 30 dichotomous variables 22 included in the final analysis Cronbach’s alpha = consistency Factor analysis 7 major components 5 Factors Goals, Organization, Consultation, Positive emotion, and Negative emotion
Results: Confidence Level 25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference F=1.966, df=11,397, p=0.030
25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference variables Significant Weeks (p=) Overall Success Interest Alternatives Specific Several topics Factor I: Goals/Objectives
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Factor II: Knowledge/Information Management 25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference variables Significant Weeks (p=) Overall Organize Informed.000 Understand Clarity Seek Involved0.042
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Factor III: Consultation 25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference variables Significant Weeks (p=) Overall Classmates.032 Parents Teacher
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Factor IV: Positive Emotions 25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference variables Significant Weeks (p=) Overall Confident.021 Optimistic Relieved.033 Sure.000 Satisfied
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Factor V: Negative Emotions 25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference variables Significant Weeks (p=) Overall Frustrated.042 Confused Doubtful.043 Uncertain
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Conclusions 25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference Under imposed task: Five major factors Goals/objectives Knowledge / Information management Consultation Positive emotions Negative emotions
Phase II 25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference Bonded Design Methodology Design team 7 students and 5 researchers Developed a low-tech prototype research guide Brainstorming for a topic General research Specific research Thesis statement HN project (2012) Research Guide was used by 100 grade eight students Observed two grade 8 classes Weekly surveys, interviews Currently, data collection phase
Thank you 25/10/2015 Cognitive Computer Science Conference Questions, Comments, Suggestions, Criticisms, Compliments... Acknowledgements Our gratitude to the school, teachers, and the students SSHRC