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Bridal veil The bridal veil isn’t common in the Netherlands nowadays. It’s probably the oldest garment for the Dutch marriage we know. The Dutch bridal veil is usually white.
Wedding rings The wedding rings wedding rings are exchanged. This usually takes place in the town, but some couples prefer to make this during the service to take place. The exchange of rings is a sign of solidarity. The wedding ring, a golden circle without beginning or end, symbolizes everlasting loyalty. The ring finger has long been the place where wedding or engagement rings are worn. Previously it was thought that a vein ran from this finger was connected directly to the heart. Only since the nineteenth century, men also wear a wedding ring
Piece flower The piece flower arrangement that the bride carries with it all day (so-called bouquet), is regulated by the groom. According to tradition, they may not know in advance what the arrangement looks, to her groom on the day of the wedding in the family home and pick up her hands over the arrangement. According to a blown over from the United States, the traditional flower arrangement at the end of the wedding over the right to be cast, and then present one of the unmarried women to be collected. The lady who catches the bouquet would next like to turn to the marriage.
Throwing rice throwing rice Rice to throw, and especially over the couple's wedding a tradition from the Far East. The wedding guests wish the couple in this way much prosperity, fertility and the "lack of deficiency" increased.
bridesmaids bridesmaids The bride was quite sensitive to the medieval witchcraft, curses and demons. Her best friends wore the same clothes as the bride wedding to distract evil spirits.
The kiss the Kiss Following the consummation of the marriage the bride and groom kissing each other. So they both accept the marriage contract. In the Middle Ages was a kiss on the cheek is a sign that you accept the agreement.
The dowry The dowry The daughter-less family in the early Middle Ages, a payment for their loss. This money could they use to hire someone to do the work that their first daughter did. The groom and the family came a period of time equivalent (engagement) in which the bride groom are "prepaid". This installment was done with a gold ring.
wedding weddings Fewer marriages in the Dutch church, which the ceremony in the town a special meeting was made . The lovers speak to each other and the registrar tells how the pair got to know each other. The prospective can often choose the location where marriages (one castle or another historical place in the municipality). At the end of the day is often less close friends held a reception in the evening is usually a feast is given, which are performed skits and songs in honor of the couple are sung.
The witness the witness In the Middle Ages was often a woman kidnapped by the groom. A single woman was in fact worth a lot for her family: she could keep house and the land. Many families saw their unmarried daughters or not like to leave to get married. Men seized their brides so often by force. The man did so with his best friend (the 'Best Man'). The best friend of the groom was standing beside him, helped him and protected him when a fight broke out. Here comes the tradition of the witness away.