Immediacy in the Classroom: Research and Practical Implications Kelly A. Rocca Presentation at the “Student Motivations and Attitudes: The Role of the Affective Domain in Geoscience Learning” conference, Northfield, MN February 12, 2007
Immediacy in the Classroom: Research and Practical Implications What is “Immediacy?” *The perception of physical and psychological closeness between communicators (specifically, between students and their professors) *Social psychologist Albert Mehrabian coined the term in 1971 as a “principle of immediacy” *Principle: “People are drawn toward persons and things they like, evaluate highly, and prefer; and they avoid or move away from things they dislike, evaluate negatively, or do not prefer.”
Immediacy in the Classroom: Research and Practical Implications Nonverbal Immediacy Behaviors : *Gestures *Vocal Variety *Smiling at students *Relaxed body posture *Moving around classroom *Speaking with outline only *Removal of barriers *Appropriate touch *Professional casual dress
Immediacy in the Classroom: Research and Practical Implications Verbal Immediacy Behaviors: *Calling students by name *Use of Inclusive pronouns *Unrelated small talk *Feedback to students *Asking for student feedback *Use of own first name
Immediacy in the Classroom: Research and Practical Implications Research Findings on Immediacy - Positive Relationships: *Affect toward professor and affective learning *Cognitive learning *Competence, caring, trustworthiness perceptions *Higher student evaluations *State motivation *Homophily – attitude and background *Interpersonal attraction – social, task, physical *Assertiveness and responsiveness *Attendance and participation *Out-of-class communication
Immediacy in the Classroom: Research and Practical Implications Research Findings on Immediacy - Negative Relationships: *Verbal aggression *Student resistance *Distance education (decrease in immediacy)
Immediacy in the Classroom: Research and Practical Implications Advice on Integrating Immediacy into YOUR Classroom: *Add one behavior at a time *Increase the frequency of each behavior gradually *May need to decrease at times for credibility *Only use what you’re comfortable with *Remember all of the positive relationships with affect-related variables