Considerations For Conflict Resolution Theory Dr. John F. vonEschenbach State University of West Georgia
Considerations For Conflict Resolution Theory Use puppets, cooperative learning, classroom discussions, and children’s literature because: Children can step out of themselves; Cooperation helps to resolve disagreements; Discussion helps to think through the process and build listening skills so it can be a “win-win” situation; and Children’s literature helps to establish a scenario or story that stimulates discussion and listening. Conflict is a natural part of life and conflict resolution needs to be learned in early grades.
Considerations For Conflict Resolution Theory Four steps toward resolving a conflict: State your feelings; Frame your argument Listen to each other; and Pose a solution that is mutually agreeable. Benefits to conflict resolution: Learn to consider alternatives solutions to the conflict; Conflict does NOT mean physical violence; and Conflict resolution is learned at an early age.
Considerations For Conflict Resolution Theory Important steps for a conflict resolution workshop with your children: Have a GATHERING to bring group together; Review the AGENDA; Emphasis WIN-WIN resolutions; Present a CONFLICT SCENARIO; Conduct BRAINSTORMING to explore alternatives solution; Arrange for PRESENTATION of skits; Finish with a GATHERING; and Have the group EVALUATE the workshop.