Challenging Curriculum and Organizational Structures Oct. 23, 2013 Jesse White
PA Core Standards Districts are realigning curriculum ▫Many new teachers will be teaching a course while they are writing the curriculum ▫Teachers won’t teach the same curriculum for 20 years, constantly changing Core Standards – Changes to the curriculum
Literacy in the Core Standards New requirements for types of reading ▫50% of materials read at the middle school level should be non-fiction or informational text ▫70% at the high school level
Science and Social Studies in the Core Standards Both subject areas have reading and writing core standards that must be taught ▫Many teachers feel they lack the content knowledge to be able to instruct reading and writing
Math in the Core Standards Increased Rigor ▫Real life problems ▫Application of skills Many materials shifted down to a grade lower than they were previously taught
Real World Application of Standards A goal in the all subject areas is to focus instruction on college and career readiness ▫Apply the material being learned ▫HW Not 40 skill review problems 5 higher level application problems
Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTII) RTII is a multi-step school improvement approach to provide early academic and behavioral supports to struggling students rather than waiting for a child to fail before offering help. (
RTII Data analysis ▫All students will be expected to make curricular decisions based on data from assessment results Standardized tests, benchmark assessments, common assessments
RTII Benchmark assessments for all students ▫Gathers data to compare all students Flexible Groupings ▫Students are placed in different intervention groups depending on scores on benchmark assessments Special intervention time in the schedule ▫Each teacher will have a group of students during the intervention period to teach a skill at their level of instruction ▫Teachers may have students that are not in any of their classes RTII instruction ▫Data driven instruction
Curriculum Cycle Constant Refinement ▫Curriculum is no longer developed and used for many years Aspects of the curriculum are constantly refined Common Assessment, Pacing, Unit Plans ▫Curriculum adjusted for strengths of students in the class ▫Curriculum adjusted for results of common assessments
Textbooks are tools The curriculum is written based on standards ▫Textbook is used to instruct on standards included ▫Supplemental materials need to be used for standards not included in the textbook
Teamwork Teaming ▫Grade level teams Cross curricular projects Problem solving student concerns ▫Subject area teams Curriculum revisions Comparing assessment data ▫Meetings Active participant
Whole Child Character Education Clubs
Building a Positive Environment Getting to know each student ▫Interests ▫Attending events (music, band, etc.) Contact with parents ▫Make positive phone calls ▫Send parents information about assignments ▫Positive relationships with parents are essential
New Teacher Evaluation System 4 categories ▫Observation ▫School Data ▫Teacher Data ▫Elective Data
New Teacher Evaluation System Teacher and school data ▫Based on PSSA and PVAAS results PSSA The level the student scores is factored into the rating PVAAS Projected level of achievement for a student Students scoring at the projected level count as a positive Students scoring below the projected level count as a negative ▫Teachers must differentiate
Differentiation Meeting the learning needs of every student ▫Teachers need to use assessment data to decide what students need ▫To improve the teacher and school rating all students must score at least what the state projects