Tuesday 17 th March
Positive Wellbeing Group Every day we will focus on one of the 10 letters in RESILIENCE. Resilience definition: Resilience describes a person’s capacity to cope with changes and challenges and to bounce back during difficult times. The more resilient someone is, the better they are at getting through tough times, and the better their chances at recovering from experiences of adversity and trauma. Today’s Top Tip! R emain Positive – look towards the future, think of what you want from life. The Positive Wellbeing Group would like to focus on Resilience for the next 2 weeks in tutor time. We will give you 10 tips for Resilience. Hopefully the tips will get you thinking and have a positive impact on your future.
All Year Groups 83% of lights out across Syria since March % of lights out in Aleppo 35% of lights out in the Governorate of Damascus Over 200,000 people killed since million people have fled their homes 3 million school-aged Syrian children no longer in school If time allows in tutor time - please show this short video Help Turn the Lights Back On in Syria & bring its people out of the darkness. We are #withSyria Join us Thursday 19 th March in Miss Cervantes room to help organise a protest to help bring much needed aid to Syria. Lunchtime onwards- all members to be there by 1.00pm
All Year Groups Loch Lomond Trip The following pupils have been chosen to go on the next trip this Saturday 21 st MARCH. Please come to Mr Macdonald’s room to get a parental consent form. The list of pupils chosen for the Big Lottery trips is on the Geography bulletin board on the ground floor.
All Year Groups Humanities Trip - Kilmartin, Lochgilphead and Inveraray The following pupils have been chose to go on the trip for Sat 28 th MARCH. Pupils should go to Mr Macdonald’s room to get a parental consent form. (There are also pupils who have still to pick up consent forms for the trip this Saturday to Loch Lomond) 1DGemmaAedy 1AIramAfzal 1HIsmaeelAhmad 1HZeenatAhmed 1ABismillahArshad 1BDavidBarrett 1AZaraCollie 1HAdamGillespie 1GChristopherGoldstein 1HSaifHussain 1IAneesHussein 1IRehanKaleem 1HHasanKamran 1DJackKerr 1DMateuszLitaszenko 1FRossLynch 1ASadiaNasir 1DDurdaneOz 2GAbdulAbdulbaki 2GMohammedAbdulbaki 2FAliAmin 2DSamuelArshad 2FDerekChittick 2GAli-HadiKachmar 2HSukhmaniKaur 2AMahreenMahmood 2IUzairMahmood 2DDrewPorter 2EJoshSingh 3BCieraDouglas 3AAbbasKhan 3GHassanMahmood 3FAlexMcAlaney 3DAntoinMcArthur 3GMelissaMcNair 3EHamzaMehr 4DAminaAftab 4DAlishaBaig 4BChanelleKerr 4CChristopherMackay 4DTaylorMacVicar 4DNehaMahmood 6BSarahAli 6BSophieAli 6CNathanKevan
Clubs Netball Club Mrs Moore S1-6 girls only pm Assembly hall Ceilidh Club Miss Duffin (Instructor) Mr Fraser’s Room All year groups 1pm Animation Club S1 and S2 Only Ms Lynch's Art Room! Tuesday & Thursday's 12.35pm Bring your lunch with you! Guitar Club Mr McGuinness Music Dept All year groups 1pm
Committees Comenius Green EYE Committee When: Today (every Tuesday until the end of term) Time: 12.40pm (Bring your lunch as usual ) Where: Social Subjects 3 New participants welcome Ms Morran & Mrs Douglas
S5/6 Acturian Apprenticeship Are you enthusiastic, full of potential and keen to keep learning? Are you interested in getting a professional qualification but instead of going to University full time you would like to work towards your qualification at the same time earning money and actually working on the job? AON provides risk management, insurance and reinsurance brokerage, human resource solutions and outsourcing services and they are keen to employ S6 leavers into their new apprenticeship programmes. For more information, please see Miss McWaters or speak to Jennifer (careers) or Lisa (Employability) in the CARE room. An Aon Apprenticeship is a brilliant choice. Here’s why: Aon Apprentices have real jobs. Apprentices will be a permanent Aon employee from the word go. Aon Apprentices are paid to learn (starting salary - £16,000 -£18,000 plus beneifts) Apprentices will earn a competitive starting salary that grows with your experience. Aon will support their professional studies and personal development
S5/6 Career Advisor Could the following pupils please register at tutor time then make their way to the Library to collect an appointment card for today’s career appointments: Are you S5 and interested in a career in Business? The KPMG Discovery Programme will run in Summer 2015 and gives you a great view of our firm and the options available to you in your future career. Whichever office you join, you will develop the skills needed to build a successful career. You could be involved in things such as work shadowing, presentations, business games and research tasks. KPMG is open for applications. Academic Requirements You need predicted grades of at least BCC at Higher and we are looking to see 5 Nat 5s including English and Maths. For more information, see Miss McWaters Allen Glen Scholarship Are you planning on studying Engineering at University? You are eligible for a Scholarship of £1,500 per year you are in study. See your pastoral care teacher for more information.
S4 Career Advisor Could the following pupils please register at tutor time then make their way to the Library to collect an appointment card for today’s career appointments:
S3 Under 14’s Football The team have a match v St Margaret Mary’s Wednesday 18 th March Please attend a meeting tomorrow PE department Morning Interval
S2 Under 14’s Football The team have a match v St Margaret Mary’s Wednesday 18 th March Please attend a meeting tomorrow PE department Morning Interval
S1 Under 14’s Football The team have a match v St Margaret Mary’s Wednesday 18 th March Please attend a meeting tomorrow PE department Morning Interval