Galaxy Tab 10.1
Ipad 3 Specs Width 7.31 inches Height 9.50 inches Weight 1.44 pounds Storage- 16gb, 32gb, 64gb 5 mega-pixel built in camera Wifi and cellular 499$-729$
Ipad 3 video
Nexus 7 Specs 8 or 16 gb internal storage 1.2 mega-pixel front face camera Screen 7 inches Weight 340 grams $ Ram 1 gb
Nexus 7 video
Kindle Fire Specs Weight 14.1 oz 5.5 gb of built in storage 159$ screen size 7 inches 1 gb of ram
Kindle fire video
Galaxy note 10.1 specs o X X 8.6mm o 565 grams o 10.1 in. screen o 1 gb ram o 2 megapixel camera
Galaxy Tab Video
Company websites Ipad 3 Kindle Fire Galaxy Nexus 7